First impressions strangely familiar

Straight off the bat, the Yoho Band 2 looked a lot like the
Xiaomi Mi Band 3. It even has an almost identical strap design and the device
itself fits into the wrist strap in a similar manner. Added to that, the
charging dock looked exactly like the one that ships with the Xiaomi Mi Band.

Avant de continuerEven the charger of the Yoho Band 2 looks like a Xiaomi Mi Band 3

Leaving all that aside, I plugged in the Yoho Band 2 to
charge. According to the instruction manual, it needed around 2 hours to be
fully charged. Speaking of charging, the Yoho Band 2 can charge either of USB
or via a wall socket with a USB port. The former will be comparatively slower
as USB current is a lot less than what a wall socket or regular charger

Once the Yoho Band 2 was fully charged, I was ready to begin using it. This is where the fun part comes in. A single indented circular button is what you use to control the functions on the Yoho Band. The display is a standard TFT display that is neither IPS or AMOLED.

Avant de continuerThe display is a TFT. Not particularly visible in sunlight, but gets the job done

After all, given the price, I wouldn’t expect it to be. Pressing the button once wakes up the band and each successive button press cycles through each of the features. To activate a certain feature, all I need to do is to long press the button. The device can actually act as a standalone health monitoring app without the need for a mobile app.

Getting up and at em

As I said, the Yoho Band 2 can function perfectly well
without ever being connected to a smartphone. As a standalone smart band, the
Yoho Band 2 is able to monitor your steps, heart rate, blood pressure and sleep
cycle. I decided to take each of these features for a spin to see exactly how
accurate they were.

Kicking off with the step counter (pun intended), the Yoho Band 2 was actually quite accurate in showing how many steps I had walked. It was then that I realized that me walking around my house once accumulated around 800-900 steps. So far, the Yoho Band 2 was performing quite well.

Avant de continuerThe step counter on the Yoho Band 2 was extremely accurate

The next feature I decided to test on the Yoho Band 2 was
the heart rate sensor. This too can be done from the band itself. Navigating to
the BPM feature, I held down the button to launch the BPM sensor. It takes
around 10-15 seconds to get a reading and my heart rate was displayed onscreen.
I ran the test multiple times to make sure that the results were more or less
accurate and they actually were.

Avant de continuerThe Yoho Band 2 can display your heart rate in a heartbeat (pun intended)

Blood pressure was the next feature I decided to check out. The
average Systolic and Diastolic levels are 120/80 so I used that as my base mark
to check my own pressure. Once again, the results were quite accurate across
multiple tests. For a band that costs this much, I was happy.

Avant de continuerWhen under pressure, the Yoho Band 2 gets the job done (again, pun intended)

Notable accomplishments

  • In 2006 it was revealed that “Fans spend more time on Yahoo Sports than any other sports site” according to comScore Media Metrix.
  • Before the 2006 NFL Draft, Yahoo Sports revealed the from an upstart sports marketing firm in exchange for his patronage. They have since issued several updates on the story.
  • On August 16, 2011, Yahoo Sports broke the story of a massive scandal involving the University of Miami, based on over 100 hours of interviews with former Hurricanes booster and convicted fraudster Nevin Shapiro.
  • On June 23, 2016, Yahoo Sports via The Vertical name-hosted the first-ever live stream of an NBA draft by hosting the 2016 NBA Draft and unveiling information as it was revealed, which usually happened moments in advance before the original selections were revealed on TV. The livestream produced over 2.8 million unique viewers for an average of 34 minutes per user, with there being 3.7 million viewers throughout the course of over four hours of extensive coverage. It also beat out ESPN’s viewership results for the draft, with it holding a rating of 2.4 million viewers. This resulted in their return to the livestream for the 2017 NBA Draft on June 22 a year later.
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Выдающиеся достижения

  • В 2006 это было показано, что «Болельщики проводят больше времени на Видах спорта Yahoo, чем какое-либо другое спортивное место» по данным comScore Media Metrix.
  • Перед Драфтом НФЛ 2006 года YahooSports показал, что утверждения Регги Буш принял подарки от выскочки спортивной маркетинговой фирмы в обмен на его покровительство. С тех пор они выпустили несколько обновлений по истории.
  • 16 августа 2011 YahooSports опровергли историю серьезного скандала, вовлекающего Университет Майами, на основе более чем 100 часов интервью с бывшей Hurricanes бустером, и осудили мошенника Невина Шапиро.
  • 23 июня 2016 Yahoo Sports via The Vertical принял самую первую прямую трансляцию драфта NBA путем организации Драфта NBA 2016 года и обнародования информации, поскольку это показало, что обычно случалось моменты заранее после того, как первоначальные выбранные объекты были выявлены по телевизору. Прямая трансляция собрала более чем 2,8 миллиона уникальных зрителей за 34 минуты и 3,7 миллионами зрителей подключились к трансляции в течение четырех часов обширного освещения. Кроме того, это также сбило результаты телеаудитории ESPN для драфта с рейтингом 2,4 миллионов зрителей.

Ключевые даты

  • 8 декабря 1997:. Yahoo Sports запущен.
  • 17 января 2003:. Yahoo Sports запустил первый крупный редизайн веб-сайта.
  • 8 февраля 2006:. Yahoo Sports запустил Yahoo Sports Blog.
  • 8 мая 2006: Yahoo Sports начинает потоковое бесплатно жить игры НХЛ.
  • 30 мая 2006:. Yahoo Sports запустил веб-сайт Yahoo Sports Beta.
  • 1 февраля 2007:. Yahoo Sports запустила текущую домашнюю страницу.
  • 1 февраля 2007: Yahoo Sports Beta сайт в автономный режим.
  • 21 июня 2007: Yahoo Sports приобретает Rivals.com.
  • 11 января 2011: Yahoo Sports сочетается с SportsFanLive.com чтобы начать производить ежедневный интернет-журнал ThePostGame.com.
  • 26 августа 2013 Yahoo Sports страница запускает новый графический вид с темным фоном и большим количеством текста. Новый редизайн был встречен крайне негативной реакцией.
  • 3 июня 2015: НФЛ награды Yahoo Sports исключительное право на трансляцию игры 25 октября между Баффало и Джексонвилле Ягуаров из Лондона, Англии через бесплатный прямой трансляции.
  • 29 января 2016: Yahoo Sports запускает вертикальный подраздел для новостей с участием НБА.

How cheap is cheap with the Yoho Band 2

There’s a saying that “good things no cheap and cheap things
no good”. The Yoho Band falls into the middle of these two statements. It’s
cheap in terms of price and to an extent, cheap in terms of build quality as
well. While the step counter, sedentary reminder and other features worked
flawlessly, there were a few issues I saw.

One issue that was confusing was the name of the device itself.
While the packaging calls it the M3, the Yoho Sports app refers to the device
as the “Yoho Band 2”. But then again, if it performs as well as it should, it
can be called an ice cream cheese kottu as far as I’m concerned.

Avant de continuerThe amount of cheap knockoff health bands are over 9000

Another issue that I saw was with the heart rate sensor.
While it does a good job while being worn, the heart rate sensor and blood
pressure monitor also kept giving random values while not being worn. This is literally not possible, as if there’s nothing
to monitor, the results should come back as zero. But having tried it multiple
times, I confirmed that this flaw actually exists.

Is the Yoho Band 2 really worth it

For the price I paid, even with its potential flaws of false data when not worn, I actually like the Yoho Band 2 (or whatever its actual name is). The heartrate sensor and blood pressure monitor have their moments but they are accurate when required.

The step counter is also extremely accurate and I find myself just walking small distances to see if the band can track it, and it does so quite well. The Yoho Band 2 also shows notifications from apps such as Instagram and WhatsApp which is an added benefit.

If you’re in the market for a cheap smart band, then you can
give the Yoho Band 2 a go. It’s available both locally and on international
websites as well.

Have you used the Yoho
Band 2? What are your thoughts on it? We would love to hear from you.

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What else can the Yoho Band 2 do

Apart from measuring steps, your heart rate and your blood pressure,
the Yoho Band 2 is also able to monitor your motion for workouts. This includes
motion for a treadmill, skipping and for sit-ups as well. I tried a few and the
Yoho Band 2 was able to measure all three accurately.

There are a few features that require the use of the mobile app for the Yoho Band 2. Called Yoho Sports, the app is available for both Android and iOS. Pairing the Yoho Band 2 to the app is simple as switching on Bluetooth on my phone and pairing it. Once paired, additional functionality of the Yoho Band 2 can be configured.

Avant de continuerThe Yoho Sports app is easy to use and looks kinda cool too

For example, the Yoho Band 2 has a sleep monitor, an alarm
and even a sedentary reminder. The sleep monitor kicks into play when there has
been no movement for a while. While there’s no record of it on the band itself,
the details are all in the app interface. Similarly, the alarm can be set from
the app itself. The alarm is not audible, rather it uses the built in motor to
vibrate the band to wake you up.

Avant de continuerThe Yoho Sports App allows you to configure some advanced features of the Yoho Band 2.

The Sedentary reminder was perhaps the coolest feature of them all. Rather than measure how much time I have been inactive, it measures how long I have been seated in a place for a while and then generates an alarm to make me get up and stretch. Being a writer, I find myself seated at my desk for hours at a time so it’s nice to have the Yoho Band 2 remind me to take a break once in a while.

Key dates in Yahoo Sports

  • December 8, 1997: Yahoo Sports is launched.
  • January 17, 2003: Yahoo Sports launched the first major redesign of the website.
  • February 8, 2006: Yahoo Sports launched the Yahoo Sports Blog.
  • May 8, 2006: Yahoo Sports starts streaming free live NHL games.
  • May 30, 2006: Yahoo Sports launched the Yahoo Sports Beta website.
  • February 1, 2007: Yahoo Sports launched the current homepage.
  • February 1, 2007: Yahoo Sports Beta website was taken offline.
  • June 21, 2007: Yahoo Sports acquires Rivals.com.
  • January 11, 2011: Yahoo Sports combines with SportsFanLive.com. to begin producing ThePostGame.com, a daily online magazine.
  • August 26, 2013: Yahoo Sports page launches a new graphical look with dark backgrounds and bigger text. The new redesign was met with highly negative reactions.
  • June 3, 2015: the NFL awards Yahoo Sports the exclusive right to broadcast the October 25 game between the Buffalo Bills and Jacksonville Jaguars from London, England, via free livestream.

January 29, 2016: Yahoo Sports launches The Vertical subsection for news involving the NBA.

June 13, 2017 Verizon takes control of Yahoo!Sports

December 11, 2017 Verizon and the NFL sign deal to allow NFL Streaming of live local and primetime games to the Yahoo! Sports Mobile App on Mobile Phones and Tablets

January 17, 2018 Verizon gets rights to stream NBA League Pass the out of market sports package that shows every out-of-market non nationally televised game to the Yahoo! Sports app for $200 a year

On October 29, 2019, Yahoo Sports announced a sports betting partnership with BetMGM, a joint venture of casino operator MGM Resorts and UK gambling operator GVC Holdings. On November 14, 2019, the Yahoo Sportsbook launched in New Jersey, with launches in other U.S. states dependent on those states approving legal wagering.

Yahoo and NBC Sports Group

On December 9, 2012, Yahoo and the NBC Sports Group announced a content and promotional deal combining Yahoo Sports’ original reporting expertise, coverage of big events, Rivals’ college content and popular fantasy sports products with NBC Sports Group’s growing digital assets, and significant television promotion and integration.

While Yahoo Sports and the NBC Sports Group will continue to maintain separate sites and editorial control of their respective newsrooms and digital properties, they will collaborate on premium sports news and events coverage both online and on the air. Yahoo Sports’ popular products will also be included in the NBC Sports Group’s digital assets.

Key features of the alliance include:

Editorial Depth: The combined talent roster of Yahoo Sports and NBC Sports features a deep bench of award-winning reporters and commentators, such as NBC’s Bob Costas and Mike Florio; Yahoo Sports’ Dan Wetzel and Adrian Wojnarowski. Yahoo Sports’ renowned investigative reporting will be featured on NBC TV, giving fans multiple-platform delivery.

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Original Video Programming Concepts: Yahoo Sports and NBC Sports will work together to develop original made-for-web video programs that will appear on both Yahoo Sports and NBCSports.com featuring fan favorites from among the award-winning editorial teams’ rosters, including:

NBC Sports host and Emmy Award-winning commentator Bob Costas: video sports news interviews and editorials Football Night in America’s Tony Dungy & Rodney Harrison: video segments during NFL season

Mike Florio of ProFootballTalk on NBCSports.com: daily, weekday NFL web show, Pro Football Talk Live

Rivals on Recruiting: weekly college recruiting show with Rivals and NBC Sports talent.

Live Streaming: Yahoo Sports will link to and promote the NBC Sports Live Extra video player. Fans will be able to watch live streams of some of NBC’s biggest events, starting with Sunday Night Football and NHL Game of the Week. Live content from NBC Sports Network will continue to be distributed through NBC Sports Live Extra on a TV Everywhere basis.

Fantasy Sports: Yahoo Sports, the leading fantasy platform, will become the exclusive fantasy game provider of NBC Sports’ Rotoworld, the premiere fantasy news and information site. This will include Yahoo Sports’ fantasy experiences for football, baseball, hockey, soccer, College Bowl Pick’em and Tourney Pick’em.

Rivals.com: The college sports destination will power recruiting and college sporting news for NBCSports.com and the NBC Sports Regional Networks.

NBC Sports Regional Networks: The authentic, local sports properties will serve as Yahoo Sports’ preferred content provider in relevant markets, and integrate Yahoo Sports’ team pages, fantasy experts and sports talent.

NBC’s Alli Sports: Providing youth-focused, action-sports video and other content to Yahoo Sports.

Yahoo и NBC Sports Group

9 декабря 2012 года, Yahoo и Группа NBC Sports объявила о заключении партнерского соглашения и рекламной сделки главным итогом которой должна стать “спортивная экспертиза, а так же оригинальная отчетность, охват больших событий конкурентов Yahoo, спортивного контента колледжей и популярных фэнтэзи спорт товаров с растущими цифровыми активами NBC Sports Группы, а так же значительное продвижение на телевидение и достижение крупной интеграции между компаниями.”

В то время как Yahoo Sports и Sports Group NBC будет продолжать поддерживать отдельные сайты и редакционный контроль отдела новостей и цифровых свойств, компании будут сотрудничать в сфере спортивных новостей и событий, охват которых происходит онлайн и в воздухе. Популярные продукты Yahoo Sports будут также включены в цифровые активы Sports Group на канале NBC.
Основные возможности альянса включают:

Редакционная глубина : это возможность комбинирования ресурсов компаний Yahoo Sports и NBC Sports, а так же совмещения работы репортеров и комментаторов, таких как NBC Боб Костас и Майк Florio; Yahoo Sports Дэн Ветцель и Адриан Войнаровски. Главные репортажи Yahoo Sports будут показаны на NBC TV, предоставляя поклонникам широкий спектр информации с нескольких платформ.

Оригинальное видео программирование: Yahoo Sports и NBC Sports будут работать вместе, чтобы разработать оригинальный контент для веб-видео программ, которые будут появляться на обоих Yahoo Sports и NBCSports.com с участием фаворитов болельщиков из числа списков удостоенный наград редакционных коллективов, в том числе:Тони Данги и Родни Харрисон, а так же комментатор Боб Костас.

NBC Sports обладатель премии Эмми комментатор Боб Костас: видео спортивные новости, интервью и ночная программа Футбол Ночь в Америке Тони Данги и Родни Харрисон: видеофрагменты во время сезона НФЛ.

Майк Florio из ProFootballTalk на NBCSports.com: ежедневно, каждый день недели НФЛ веб-шоу, Pro Football Talk life.

Соперники на Рекрутинг: еженедельный колледж рекрутинга с Rivals и NBC Sports талант.

Live Streaming: Yahoo Sports будет поддерживать связь и содействовать NBC Спорт Live Extra видеоплеер. Поклонники смогут смотреть трансляции некоторых из крупнейших событий на канале NBC, начиная с воскресенья Night Football и НХЛ Игра недели. Транслируемого контента NBC Sports Network будет продолжать распространяться через NBC Спорт Live Extra на телевизоре, а так же все самое главное.

Виртуальный Спорт: Yahoo Sports, ведущая фэнтезийная платформа, станет исключительным фэнтезийным поставщиком игры Rotoworld Sports NBC, фэнтезийного сайта новостей премьеры и информационного сайта. Он будет включать в себя фэнтезийные события YahooSports для футбола, бейсбола, хоккея, футбола, College Bowl Pick’em и Tourney Pick’em.

Rivals.com: новости начальных школ и спортивных колледжей, новости для NBCSports.com и NBC Sports региональная сеть.

NBC Sports Региональные сети: Подлинные, местные спортивные события будут служить Yahoo Sports “предпочтительного поставщика контента на соответствующих рынках, а также интегрировать Yahoo Sports страницы команд, мнения экспертов и спортивных талантов.

NBC в Аlli Спорт: Обеспечение ориентированная на молодежь, действия спортивной видео и другой контент для Yahoo Sports.

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