Спортивное сообщество, где важен каждый Move




1. Learn

Learn about the partner program at Welcome Partner site.

If you want to get more insight on what the API is offering today,
read about the API.

There is more indepth documentation about the contents you are able to get from api in
Integration API

You can also check the latest partners that have been published such as Strava,
Trainingpeaks and Endomondo


Apply for access to the API in order to start development. When submitting your application you need to accept the API agreement. Highlight your interests regarding marketing and commercial collaboration as well.
The applications are reviewed on weekly bases, so you have to wait few days prior getting the acceptance. There is maximum two week waiting period.

Part of the application is the API agreement. This will be given on the form, when you select that you are interested to get access to Suunto Cloud API.
Remember to provide all the developers on the webform, as they will be invited to get the access to APIZONE.
You can apply to the program by filling the following webform:


When you are ready you need to submit your application information in your profile page.

Then subscribe to the production API.
We will ensure that you have the submitted the needed information about your application.

What can you do

Aplication interface (API) provides you possibility to access the workout data tracked with Suunto devices. The API provides you the FIT files common in sports industry. These files contain all the summary information from the activity such as duration, average heart rate, distance covered. These also have all the measured samples such as heart rate, r-r data, power data, altitude, temparute. These files also contain GPS tracks.
API authorisation is based on OAuth2. This provides the possibility for Suunto customer to authorize your application to access his/her data.
The API capabilities are growing. We will update all the partners using our API reguarly about the updates and publish the latest additions here in API central.

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1 комментарий
  1. Ответить
    Василиса 15.09.2024 в 03:24

    Как здорово видеть такое спортивное сообщество! Здесь действительно важно каждый шаг и каждое движение. Все поддерживают друг друга, и это создает невероятную атмосферу. Каждый может раскрыть свои таланты и сделать что-то новенькое. Давайте двигаться вместе к новым достижениям!

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