Как обновить дрон GoPro Karma Drone



Вот что стало настоящей кармой для «кармы». Производители мало внимания уделили для программного обеспечения. Некоторые владельцы замечали, что дрон отключается падает вниз, хотя зарядка полная. Позже разработчики списали это на прошивку, но проблема осталась.


Квадрокоптер karma – это тот случай, когда аудитория вынуждена переплачивать не за крутой функционал, а за лейбл. Компания gopro оценила свою разработку достаточно дорого.

Есть три варианта комплектации, от которой зависит стоимость:

  1. Без приобретения камеры в случае, если она уже есть — 899 долларов;
  2. Беспилотник в тандеме с камерой Hero 5 Session — 1000 долларов;
  3. Комплект дрон + камера Hero 5, являющуюся лучшей из всех, что представлены на рынке ИТ – 1100 долларов.

Такая завышенная стоимость квадрокоптера оправдывается тем, что разработчик уже давно присутствует на рынке и смог заработать репутацию.

Как обновить дрон GoPro Karma Drone

GoPro Karma

You are getting a whole ecosystem for all kind of situations and activities to get you the best possible shots, as Karma is a variable system. Including an easy to use drone, which can be operated without much knowledge or drone flying. For fast and basic learning a flight simulator is integrated. The game-style controller features a touch display and a straightforward user interface. A take-off button gets Karma drone into the air and leveled. Several predesigned auto shot paths provide great results like in movies. I think Karma drone is a camera accessory which gets you great aerial footage rather than flying a drone for capturing videos. But why is it more than that?

Как обновить дрон GoPro Karma DroneКак обновить дрон GoPro Karma Drone

GoPro Karma – Drone & Handheld Gimbal

All-in-one solution

Because it is an “all in one” solution. I get this question from users so often: Which gimbal to buy? Handheld or mountable/wearable? And most of them complain that non of them can be attached to a drone. With GoPro Karma you can easily remove the gimbal from the drone and attach it to the grip (which is included!). Within seconds you get yourself a handheld gimbal. Another great and important advantage is that they use the same battery, which again minimizes the gear you have to carry along.

You can attach Karma gimbal to the backpack or any other mount like a suction cup. An extension cable is available to separate the head and the grip if a more compact solution is required. Take a look at my video where I mounted a Zhiyun Rider2 gimbal (looks similar to GoPro Karma with extension cable) to a mountain biker’s helmet. Looks like the cam was pulled on a wire through the woods:

Easy to take along

As mentioned at the beginning, Karma replaces lot’s of gear, up to now only available from 3rd party manufacturers. Hence all of these tools now come from GoPro, work perfectly together, are more compact to store and even fit into one included backpack.

Как обновить дрон GoPro Karma DroneКак обновить дрон GoPro Karma Drone

GoPro Karma Backback

And that’s what I like best about this ecosystem. You are flexible and you can choose the accessory which benefits your situation the most to get the best shot of the activity you are currently following. You don’t have to ask yourself “Which equipment am I going to take with me?” Just grab Karma backpack and you are prepared for almost every situation. There is only one small detail which I couldn’t answer, if the backpack fits 2-3 mounts, like Suction Cup Count or Clamp, which I usually have with me.

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Как обновить дрон GoPro Karma DroneКак обновить дрон GoPro Karma Drone

GoPro Karma Drone & Remote on display at Photokina, Cologne

I hope I can test Karma soon, I really can’t wait and I’m almost sure it will replace many of my current bags. Karma will be available Oct. 23rd starting at 799 USD (including drone, handheld grip, batteries & backpack) and will be available in a bundle with the current camera lineup GoPro HERO5 black or GoPro HERO 5 Session. Karma is also compatible with GoPro HERO 4 cameras.

Similar models

DJI Phantom 3

With DJI Phantom 3 you can take 2.7K HD videos and 12 MP photos compared to the 4K videos and 12 MP of the Karma. It is unsurprising because GoPro cameras have predominantly taken the forefront of camera quality in the industry. So if you want high quality videos, Karma over-powers the DJI Phantom 3.

However, performance wise, we have to play our cards right as the DJI provides a fierce competition. To start with, it comes with a longer flight time of 25 minutes over the 20 minutes of Karma. There’s also an SD card, something that we haven’t heard of in the Karma brand.

Moreover, the GPS assisted flight features are a plus to the DJI as you they allow to have a full control of flying the drone safely and also taking incredible aerial images.

These drones almost had similarities with regard to the mobile apps. With the DJI, you can view the live feed on the DJI GO app, whereas with Karma that live feed can be viewed on the mobile app by someones else while you view it on the 5-inch LCD touch display.

It is also easy to understand and to fly the DJI Phantom 3 by focusing on the manual and the videos for troubleshooting as in the Karma where the flight simulator feature is integrated.

Price wise, the DJI is relatively inexpensive at $500 compared to $800 of Karma. Moreover, the camera is included in the price of the DJI. Check this video for a comparison between these quadcopters.

Yuneec Q500+ Typhoon

This is also a quadcopter manufactured by the drone giant, Yuneec. It comes with a free 32 GB microSD card, extra battery and extra propellers, things that can be purchased as extras in Karma. It is also an RTF model, with everything ready calibrated to get going.

This drone outshines the Karma with 16 megapixels of camera and a resolution of 1080p 60FPS for high quality images with lower image distortion

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Like the Karma, Yuneec Q500+ Typhoon comes with a handheld CGO SteadyGrip for more stabilized images by detaching the drone camera and mounting it on this grip. It also features a longer flight time of 25 minutes similar to the DJI Phantom 3 compared to the 20 minutes of Karma. The flight time is made possible by its powerful battery of 5200 mAh.

The drone is almost priced the same with Karma at $800. The advantage of this drone, however, is the inclusion of the extra battery and extra propellers. With Karma you have to spend more to have replacement parts delivered to you.

3DR Solo Quadcopter

Here’s another quadcopter that is less priced at around $500 compared to the $800 of Karma. It comes with the bundle gimbal battery and 2pk propellers. The drone is compatible with the GoPro’s HERO3, HERO3+ and HERO4 action cameras. It is beyond the doubts that Karma wins the battle here with its optimized HERO5 Black harness.

Furthermore, the 3DR Solo drone allows you the opportunity to save the footage directly onto your phone. It has an app that can be downloaded on iOS or Android-powered smartphones. The drone and the camera can be controlled with the remote controller.


Приобретая дорогостоящий квадрокоптер от компании с репутацией, называющей себя флагманом, покупатель рассчитывает получить максимум пользы или удовольствия от приобретаемой игрушки, особенно, если она призвана решать какие-то важные задачи, кроме полетов на улице и дома. Но не в этот раз.

Квадрокоптер karma не может сопротивляться сильному ветру, скорость которого выше, чем 10 метров/секунду. Дальность – повод для грусти составляет всего 1 км. При этом максимальная длительность полета 20 минут, что на 7 минут меньше, чем у конкурентов.

Есть 4 режима работы:

  • По кругу, вокруг заданной точки
  • Режим для съемки селфи
  • Движение по заданному маршруту
  • Плавное удаление от объекта во время съемки.

Как обновить дрон GoPro Karma Drone


Karma is a perfect choice for beginners as it is an RTF model that comes with a pre-flight trainer, interchangeably called the flight simulator. It orientates the pilot to understand the drone and its flight modes. So there’s no need to do an intensive research on how to fly it because of this feature.

Because GoPro is a giant manufacturer of flagship cameras, it is presumed that Karma will be an excellent tool for videographers and photographers with its 4K video recording and 12MP images. It can capture high quality aerial images with the optimized HERO5 Black camera mounted onto the body or handheld with the Karma Handle Grip.

Как обновить дрон GoPro Karma Drone

The availability of the replacement parts for Karma is certainly a huge sigh of relief to newbies. Flight crashes may be imminent and inevitable, and as such one needs replacement parts for in case. But GoPro Care can cover for such crashes in a period of 2 years after purchasing your multirotor. All these are available at affordable prices.


  • It is lightweight, foldable, and compact
  • It has a shock resistant frame
  • Detachable gimbal to be attached onto the handle grip for more stabilization and control
  • Intelligent controller with the 5-inch touch display
  • Downloadable passenger app for two people to control the drone and the camera
  • Availability of replacement parts
  • Long flight time of 20 minutes and battery life of the Karma Handle Grip
  • High speed of 56km/h
  • Compatible with a broad range of GoPro HERO models
  • No-fly zones programming.
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  • Front-mounted gimbal and camera harness jeopardizes center of gravity
  • It is costly when you add the HERO5 Black camera as the optimized model
  • Warranty, GoPro Care, available at a cost of $149
  • Lack of external antenna

Karma is undoubtedly a great camera-optimized quadcopter, even though it might not be pleasing to UAV gurus due to elementary controls. It is nonetheless designed to accommodate also the beginners as also noted in the flight simulator feature included. The beginner pilot can master the flight eventually by persistently following the guidelines. The flight modes are quite exciting as well.

GoPro Karma
  • Design

  • Features

  • Battery life

  • Ease of Use

  • Quality

  • Value For Money



If you are up for a simple yet high-performing quadcopter, Karma is for you. It is one of a kind that enables your partner to also control the camera settings on their smartphones. It is also undoubtful that you will have an amazing experience with the HERO5 Black camera from the camera giant, GoPro.


User Review

(2 votes)

The flight controller enables a wide range of acrobatics for this drone. It has a simple user interface for an intuitive manipulation with just 2 joysticks, a start button, and a touch screen on which most controls are managed. The passenger app is an amazing add-on feature that makes this drone stand out of the crowd.


Подведем небольшой итог, и еще раз разберем все плюсы и минусы квадрокоптера от gopro. Из достоинств можно выделить:

  • Удобная посадка камеры
  • Продуманный трансмиттер
  • Стильный внешний вид
  • Наличие подсветки
  • Качество съемки
  • Режим обучения полетам в виртуальном пространстве
  • Качественные материалы.

Из недостатков квадрокоптера karma

  • Отсутствие режима следования
  • Коптер не умеет распознавать препятствия на пути, поэтому рискует принять смерть от первого же дерева, в особенности, если владелец не умеет управлять аналогичными гаджетами
  • Время автономной работы дальность полета оставляет желать лучшего
  • «Сырая» прошивка
  • GPS модель не умеет летать по точкам
  • Передние и задние штанги нельзя заменить отдельно друг от друга, если сломались – придется покупать комплект

Приобретать квадрокоптер karma можно только в одном случае: есть камера, в особенности Hero. Ничего другого, что могло бы послужить мотивом для покупки столь дорогого квадрокоптера, учитывая всю ограниченность в плане его возможностей, в голову не приходит. За заявленную стоимость можно найти модели гораздо интереснее.

Может быть, разработчику пора вернуться только к выпуску экшн – камер, и не портить репутацию недоработанными беспилотниками, а может быть, это только первый блин, который обычно комом, и в будущем фанаты компании смогут увидеть что-то на уровне. Разработчики обещали устранить все недочеты квадрокоптера дополнить функции. Так или нет – покажет время.

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