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Garmin Vivoactive HR The app

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The Garmin Vivoactive HR uses Garmin Connect, which is available for iOS and Android. It also has a web element, which is much more feature rich, which you can access via

It’s a decent platform, albeit quite confusing when you’re using daily activity tracking features. The first thing you’re presented with is a bunch of segments, which you have to slide through to see your activities. From there you can dive into runs, cycles, workouts, or just your daily activity data.

Essential readingGarmin Connect complete guide

The thing to take away is that the Garmin Connect mobile app is very complete and all your data is in there – somewhere. Even we’re still constantly learning things about the app. It’s not challenging Fitbit for simplicity, but it’s one of the most complete evaluations of your fitness around.

Things do look up via the web app. The web boasts tools for building custom workouts, designing and discovering routes and reviewing data. Also, it’s possibly the most complete multisport ecosystem, with running and cycling placed alongside golf, which is missing in any meaningful way from the mobile app.

Garmin Vivoactive HR

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Don’t forget, Garmin allows you to spit out data to Strava, which happens to be our preferred platform. That means you can just run or cycle with your watch, sync it up when you get back and enjoy all the segments and personal records for your routes as normal.

Garmin Vivoactive HR Activity tracking

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Garmin has really nailed activity tracking, and it’s become a big feature of its current line-up of specialist sports watches.

In terms of detail and accuracy, it’s probably one of the best activity trackers on the market. Steps are recorded and movable goals are automatically calculated, so the longer you use it for, the smarter (and more difficult) your goals will be.

As well as step tracking it will also keep tabs on your active minutes and the move bar is a neat way of alerting you to sedentary habits, if you feel like you need a kickstart to get away from your desk. As the move bar fills, you’ll need to get out of your chair to clear it.


However, it’s the way Garmin treats heart rate that’s the real triumph. As we bleat on about endlessly at Wareable, resting heart rate is one of the key metrics for monitoring your fitness. As it gets lower you are getting fitter.

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This is a key screen on the Vivoactive HR. What’s more, you can tap in further to see it plotted over the last week. Checking your resting heart rate daily is a good way to look for issues with your health or detect over training too, and we love this element of the Vivoactive.

You can go further in the app as well. Head to the menu and choose Health Stats > All Day Heart Rate and you can look at charts of resting heart rate over a seven day or four week period.

The only issue – as we’ve found with the Fitbit Blaze – is that building reliable data can be challenging. On the whole the Vivosmart is accurate but unless you wear the device all day, it’s not going to find those all-time low bpms. With one day off it can really throw the data, leading to some messy graphs.

The sleep tracking features of the Garmin are a little underwhelming too. The Vivoactive will automatically track sleep, and always frames the data within your usual bedtime hours. We guess that’s to show you how often you go to bed on time, but life doesn’t really work that way.

There’s a lack of aggregated data as well and there’s little to see in terms of sleep trends. You can dive into any night’s sleep from the last seven days in the app, but we often found a data was a bit off, showing no deep sleep or light sleep. Basically, if you’re into sleep, the Garmin isn’t the best.

Garmin Vivoactive HR Golf tracking

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A Garmin golf watch will easily set you back around ВЈ200/$200, so having the feature baked into a standard sports watch is a big draw for weekend hackers.

We tested it out on the course, and as you’d expect from Garmin, it works well. You get distances to the front, back and middle – and you can call up a map of the green and check lay-up distances too. A live score card is also available as well.

The only real bugbear is that unlike on dedicated golf watches, you have to download the course data on your phone before you play, and then pair the two devices in order to start. It’s a bit of a fiddly process, and prone to breaking down. We ended up trying to sort it out while walking down the first fairway, which isn’t ideal.

Of course, you don’t get the whizz-bang features of the new Approach S2 or Approach X40. There’s no automatic shot detection (which doesn’t work properly anyway) and it doesn’t sync up with the TruSwing. But for runners/cyclists who golf, it’s a good mix of features, even if there’s a pay off in usability.

Переломный момент для Garmin пульсометр на борту

Vivoactive HR черный большого размераGarmin Vivoactive HR: с топовым дисплеем, GPS и пульсометром — на первом месте

При выпуске Vivosmart HR производитель подтвердил свой курс: оптический датчик пульса у фитнес-трекеров высшего класса быть должен. При этом поначалу компания Garmin не следовала общему тренду, в беседе с нами уверяя, что из-за относительно невысокой точности измерений эта технология не очень интересна.

Как бы не так: пользователи больше не хотят носить нагрудные ремни, если можно обойтись более простыми средствами. Таким образом, оптический датчик Garmin Vivoactive HR ведет свои измерения круглосуточно в периодическом режиме. Во время тренировок измерения производятся, конечно же, непрерывно. На основе полученных данных рассчитывается количество сожженных калорий. На экране Vivoactive HR вы можете посмотреть динамику изменений результатов измерения частоты вашего пульса.

Garmin Vivoactive HR альтернатива

Просто предложить вам предшествующую модель было бы слишком скучно. Тем не менее, еще разок взглянуть на Garmin Vivoactive (без букв HR в названии) точно стоит. Но самой, пожалуй, интересной альтернативой является FitBit Blaze. Трекер выглядит вполне современно, а на его обратной стороне тоже есть оптический пульсометр. В плане функциональности умных часов Blaze оснащен тоже неплохо — отображаются входящие вызовы, календарные заметки, СМС и названия музыкальных композиций. Последние вы можете перелистывать вперед или назад, а также ставить на паузу. Встроенного модуля GPS у FitBit Blaze нет, вместо него трекер использует подключение через смартфон. Зато в качестве тренировок установлены спортивные упражнения от сети FitStar. Между делом и цена на это устройство упала до уровня ниже 15 тыс. руб.


Оснащение (40%)
96.4 %

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94.5 %

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99.5 %

Garmin Vivoactive HR Sports tracking

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We’ll get through testing as many of the different modes as possible in due course, but for the purpose of this review, we’re sticking to running, swimming and golf. Most of the other modes ape these features, and those modes are most important in terms of making comparisons and testing accuracy.

When running, tracking is a fairly standard affair: you get pace, cadence, heart rate and the obvious pace/distance data. It falls short of a dedicated Forerunner by neglecting to add more advanced details such as VO2 Max or recovery details, but for most runners, it’s a decent set of metrics.

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Of course, the big addition here is heart rate, delivered thanks to the Elevate (Garmin’s own tech) sensor under the watch. It’s a standard optical sensor that looks for the blood pulsing under your skin, and just like the scores of devices out there that promise the same, it does a fairly decent job.


Out on longer runs it kept within 2bpm of a chest strap, making it a perfectly acceptable indicator of how hard we worked. Throughout a steady run, which did involve a fair amount of hill work, the Garmin lasered onto the chest strap with impressive accuracy. We use Strava to track our runs, which Garmin syncs with, and the heart rate data unlocks all manner of new features, which just makes the whole experience more detailed. In short, heart rate is great.

But as we’ve proved, optical is a long way from being ECG on the wrist. The tech is prone to totally breaking down at high intensity and the Vivoactive HR is no different. Just compare the two graphs below of a short interval session versus a chest strap, which show the smooth curves of the strap versus the freaking out optical.

While it was flawless during steady exercise, as we added bursts of activity to our workout and our heart rate soared to 190 the Vivoactive stalled at around 165. It seemed paralysed there and when we returned to rest and the chest strap detected heart rate falling back to 150, the Vivoactive still lagged behind.

In short: it’s great for general running, but if you want to start tracking intervals, you’ll need to invest in a chest strap to pair with the Vivoactive.

Garmin watches have been cleaning up in our swimming tests too, and the Vivoactive HR features all the same modes that ensured the original Vivoactive aced our pool review just two months ago. It’ll track lengths, distance, pace, stroke count/rate, calories – and it’s one of the most reliable devices out there.

For cyclists, you’ll get standard GPS data on speed and distance, but the Vivoactive will pair with Garmin’s range of bike sensors, so serious cyclists are catered for.


Обзор функций смарт часов Garmin Vivoactive HR Sport:

  1. Move IQ – новая функция автоматического определения рода деятельности (пробежка, ходьба и пр.),
  2. Запоминание – изделие фиксирует буквально всю деятельность (если владелец засиделся на месте в течение часа, браслет завибрирует),
  3. Подсчет повышенной активности – функция работает по медицинским стандартам (автоматически выставленное время – 150 минут, меняется по желанию),
  4. Акселерометр – отслеживает расстояние, считает пройденные метры,
  5. Альтиметр – ведет подсчет этажей, на которые пользователь поднялся пешком,
  6. Мониторинг сна – работает в соответствии с результатами дневной активности (правильно определяет время отдыха),
  7. Умный будильник – исходя из усталости и нагрузки пользователя, устанавливает продолжительность сна и будит в правильное время автоматически,
  8. Elevate – так называется в часах пульсометр,
  9. Плавание – определяет тип плавания, время, считает взмахи рук и пр.,
  10. GPS – работает без приложения, встроен в часы, показывает точную информацию.

Это только самые основные функции. Все перечислить сложно. В устройстве их гораздо больше. Абсолютно все функции полезны.

Vivoactive HR черный большого размера

Фитнес браслет не устанавливает время восстановления мышц и VO2 Max

Это важно для профессиональных спортсменов. Среднестатистический пользователь не нуждается в работе данной функции

Vivoactive HR с GPS для велосипедистов

В Vivoactive HR, конечно же, есть интегрированный модуль GPS. Во время занятий такими видами спорта, как бег, езда на велосипеде и плавание, этот носимый гаджет определяет точные данные о темпе движения, скорости, преодоленной дистанции и тому подобном. Особенно интересной становится тема велоспорта, поскольку Vivoactive HR совместим с различными велопринадлежностями от компании Garmin — например, с такими, как умная велосипедная фара-радар или датчик частоты вращения педалей.

Vivoactive HR черный большого размераGarmin Vivoactive HR: пульсометр ведет регулярные измерения в режиме 24/7 и постоянные — во время тренировок

Зимние виды спорта тоже не остались без внимания: горнолыжники могут посмотреть свою скорость в различные интервалы времени. Кроме того, Vivoactive HR должен самостоятельно распознавать движение на подъемнике и по трассе. В целом трекер от компании Garmin заметно прибавил по количеству «доступных» видов спорта и часто распознает их автоматически.

Разумеется, всем понятно, что использование модуля GPS заметно сокращает длительность автономной работы устройства. Во время тестирования Vivoactive HR без GPS-соединения смог проработать почти 8 дней. При включенном GPS, по заявлению Garmin, время автономной работы уменьшается почти до 13 часов.


Swiping down (or up) on the vivoactive HR’s display lets you cycle through the various screens (called widgets), which include Daily Steps, Intensity Minutes, the Weather, Notifications, and Heart Rate.

(Image credit: Jeremy Lips / Tom’s Guide)

Quickly pressing the button on the right opens the activity menu, where you can select the type of exercise you’d like to do. This menu also includes any apps you may have installed. If you press and hold this button, the vivoactive HR’s Settings menu appears, from which you can change the watch face, widgets and apps.

The left button is used primarily as a Back button, but pressing and holding it brings up three options: Do Not Disturb, Lock, and Power Off.

Connect IQ

Think of it as a mini app store, just for some Garmin devices. Although it falls far short of the Pebble’s 3,000-plus offerings, the Connect IQ store has more than 100 apps, which include everything from watch faces to stargazing apps to the whimsical Beer Tracker Plus, which tells you how many beers you can drink based on how much you’ve worked out.

The vivoactive HR is one of only 13 Garmin devices that can run Connect IQ apps. One app, called SkyWatch, was particularly fun: It has a number of planets, constellations and stars; after you select one, the app tells you which way to turn to see it in the sky. It worked pretty well and was a neat way to know what was in the night sky.

Garmin Vivoactive HR Swim tracking

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Like its predecessor, the Vivoactive HR is waterproof to 5ATM (up to 50 metres) and it’s already equipped with a dedicated swim tracking mode. There’s no open water option like you get on more expensive Garmin watches like the Fenix 3. This is built for jumping in your local pool only.

Getting up and running is as straightforward as tracking a run or a bike ride. Hit the right physical button below the screen and tap on the Pool Swim tracking mode. For first time swimmers, it’ll let you select the pool size (25/50m) including a custom size option and it’ll set this to default the next time you jump in the pool.

The screen inverts giving you data fields for interval time, interval distance, total time and distance. The optical heart rate monitor is disabled as it’s not much use in the water. It’s the same story with the touchscreen, although you can use the physical buttons to mark lap intervals.

Garmin Connect (left and centre) and TomTom My Sport (right)

We put it up against the TomTom Spark’s swim tracker mode, which we’ve found reliable for accuracy in the pool. There was some noticeable differences in distance recorded with a 1o stroke difference for average stroke rates. What you do get with the Vivoactive HR is a pretty respectable collection of metrics including pace, speed and moving time indicating when you’ve taken breaks within the session. There’s also graphs breaking down pace, strokes and your SWOLF score. Even if swimming is not your primary reason for using the Vivoactive HR, there’s plenty of data to tap into and it’s a solid performer in the water.


One of the best things Garmin did with the vivoactive HR is let you keep the screen on at all times. There’s nothing that annoys me more with smartwatches, or wearables of any kind, than when I have to flick my wrist or press a button just to see what time it is.

(Image credit: Jeremy Lips / Tom’s Guide)

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You can change the watch face, too, by either selecting one of the five preloaded faces or downloading one from the Connect IQ store in the Garmin Connect app.

At 1.13 inches long by 0.80 inches high, and with a resolution of 205 x 148 pixels, the vivoactive HR’s display is oriented so you don’t have to twist your wrist just to read the time, a la the Microsoft Band. You would think this is trivial, but it’s not.


The vivoactive HR tracks a wide range of activities. In addition to the usual measures (steps, stairs and sleep), it can be used for golfing (you can download course maps to the watch), biking, skiing, swimming and even paddleboarding. 

(Image credit: Jeremy Lips / Tom’s Guide)

Like other Garmin devices with heart-rate monitors, the vivoactive HR tracks so-called “intensity minutes,” a measurement of when the watch detects that you’re moving and you have an elevated heart rate.

When I went for a run, the vivoactive HR’s GPS picked up a signal in about 20 seconds, which was only a few seconds slower than the Garmin Forerunner 235 GPS running watch I had strapped to my other wrist. I was so surprised at how quickly it acquired a signal — it was a rainy, overcast day — that I didn’t have a chance to get through all of my pre-run stretches.

The GPS and heart-rate monitor in the vivoactive HR proved as accurate as they were fast. Following a 4-mile run, I compared the data from the vivoactive HR to the Forerunner 235, and found that the measurements (distance, pace, average heart rate and maximum heart rate) were nearly identical.

As a pedometer, the vivoactive HR proved just as accurate, counting 500 steps as 503.

MORE: How to Choose the Right Fitness Tracker for Your Needs

Whenever I received a call, text or tweet, the vivoactive HR would buzz slightly and display the message on-screen. You have the option to answer or reject calls, but if the vivoactive HR is connected to an iPhone, all you can do for text messages is read them. (If you have an Android device, you can download an app that will let you respond to notifications with canned messages.)

Описание и особенности

Этот спортивный гаджет подойдет как людям, ведущим активный образ жизни, так и тем, кто много времени проводит в офисе. Девайс оснащен такими возможностями, как:

  • на часы Garmin Vivoactive HR приходят оповещения о вызовах, СМС, электронных письмах и т.д.;
  • отображение текущего времени и даты;
  • функция «шагомер»;
  • отслеживание фаз сна;
  • опция «тихий будильник»;
  • измерение частоты сердцебиения;
  • напоминание о разминке;
  • отображение погодных условий;
  • дистанционное управление музыкой на смартфоне и экшн-камерой от этого же производителя.

В комплектацию поставки включены:

  • само устройство;
  • кабель USB;
  • руководство на русском языке.

Среди преимуществ данной модели фитнес-часов можно выделить наличие защиты от пыли и влаги, с устройством можно плавать и принимать душ.

Vivoactive HR черный большого размера

Инструкция пользователя, которую имеют фитнес-часы Garmin Vivoactive HR, включает в себя следующие разделы:

  1. Описание интеллектуальных функций девайса. Здесь указаны процесс сопряжения устройства со смартфоном, включения уведомлений и опции «поиск потерянного телефона».
  2. Функции пульсометра — описан процесс измерения показателей, настройка зон частоты пульса. Также здесь даны советы по устранению неточных данных.
  3. Виджеты и приложения. Из этого раздела пользователь может узнать о спортивных режимах (например, езда на велосипеде, ходьба, плавание и т.д.), как включить функцию отслеживания и т.д.
  4. Настройка устройства.
  5. Информация о часах. Здесь подробно расписано, как заряжать девайс, как управлять данными. Также в этом разделе указана информация о размере и технических характеристиках.
  6. Устранение неполадок.

Garmin vivoactive HR

The Garmin vivoactive HR now boasts wrist-based heart rate monitoring

As with its predecessor, the vivoactive HR is an all day activity tracker with an impressive array of specs. It has a touchscreen display, built-in GPS, and some smartwatch functions. However, this time around the headline attraction is the addition of the Elevate wrist-based heart rate monitoring technology we’ve seen deployed on other Garmin wearables like the Forerunner 235 and Fenix 3 HR.

This lets the vivoactive HR use heart rate data to calculate calories burned information as well as the intensity of fitness activities. The device can also log steps, floors climbed, intensity minutes and sleep quality, while built-in GPS-enabled apps are available for walking, running, biking, swimming, golfing, paddle boarding, rowing, skiing and snowboarding.

A redesign of the tracker sees it looking considerably sleeker than its predecessor, though you probably still won’t want to wear it to the office. The bezel around the sunlight-readable color touchscreen has been significantly slimmed down, and there are two physical buttons below the narrower screen. However, with Move IQ, users won’t even need to press a button to track running, biking, swimming and elliptical training, which can all be automatically recognized.

The Garmin vivoactive HR is a GPS and heart-rate monitoring fitness tracker

The screen can be used to display information about recent exercises, daily exercise totals and progress towards goals and heart rate information, as well as to navigate menus, select workouts or tell the time. Compatibility with the Connect IQ store lets users customize the look of their tracker by installing watch face designs, widgets and apps.

Battery life will depend on which features you are using, but Garmin suggests you’ll get up to eight days’ battery life in watch/activity tracking mode, or up to 13 hours when using GPS. While the sensors inside the vivoactive HR should do a good job of tracking your general activity and sporting endeavors, the device can also be paired with ANT+ sensors such as a bike cadence sensor.

Garmin Vivoactive HR Battery life

Garmin is a bit of an unsung hero when it comes to battery life, and the Vivoactive HR is another winner. You’ll get around five days of battery life using all the features and a good dose of GPS. Garmin puts GPS tracking at around 16 hours, which we’d agree with. That means that multiple rounds of golf, long weekend walks and ultra runs are all within its remit.

The Vivoactive HR will do a lot with very little battery too, and we went out and got decent runs under our belt when the battery level actually looked dangerously low.

Of course, the low-res, low brightness screen is the chief reason it’s able to boast such impressive longevity. However, it’s yet another great battery triumph for Garmin.

Garmin Vivoactive HR

By Garmin

Just the breadth of features and the confidence from Garmin to put the essence of all its huge line-up of devices into one, jack-of-all-trades sports watch makes this device a stunner. If, like us, you’re a sports enthusiast who isn’t obsessive over the details of just one type of activity, it’s truly the watch for you. Great notifications and rich data from the HR sensor complete a top performance, and the daily activity tracking is top notch too. The only downside is the design. Yet again from Garmin, it’s not a device that inspires daily wear. For many this will undermine the daily features, but if you spend your weekends and holidays running, walking, cycling, golfing and skiing, this is the only watch you need to buy.


  • Sports tracking support
  • Great metrics, even for niche activities
  • Strong battery life


  • Still looks ugly
  • Screen is not great quality
  • HR suffers at high intensity

Garmin vivofit 3

Garmin’s vivofit 3 can be used with interchangeable accessory bands which will be available in a number of colors and styles

For those looking for a simpler activity tracker, Garmin also announced the vivofit 3 which is, again, an arguably more stylish option than its vivofit predecessors. Key features of the new model are its one-year battery, backlit display, water resistance, and interchangeable accessory bands which will be available in a number of colors and styles.

Another gain for the vivofit 3 is the addition of Move IQ auto activity detection, which means even forgetful exercisers will get credit for their activities. The small backlit display will now also display daily progress with the Garmin Move bar as well as steps, calories, distance, intensity minutes and time of day.

The tracker can also give you audible inactivity alert reminders, and it’s water resistant to 50 meters. As you’d expect, it pairs with the Garmin Connect app which, in addition to tracking and presenting your exercise information, also gives more meaningful insights based on that data than some rival apps.

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The vivoactive HR and vivofit 3 are both due to ship in Q2 of 2016. The vivoactive HR will set you back US$250, while the vivofit 3 will be priced from $100 to $120 depending on the band.

You can check out a promo video for the vivoactive HR below.

Product pages: Garmin vivoactive HR, Garmin vivofit 3

vivoactive HR with Wrist-based Heart Rate

Garmin Vivoactive HR vs Garmin Vivoactive Verdict

First of all, both, Vivoactive and Vivoactive HR are remarkable, durable and beautiful smartwatches. They make easier to get the important information about your health and different activities, whether it’s going to be running, sleeping, golfing or etc. They clearly have the value and there are tons of similarities between these two. Depending on the user’s needs the perfect choice can be one or another. But still, we can analyze how important are the differences between these watches and considering the cost, whether it’s worth to get the successor.

Clearly, Vivoactive’s design is more beautiful than Vivoactive HR’s. The shape of the Vivoactive is fitter and it’s easier to perceive it since it has accurate size and dimensions. If it’s about the colors, one can always get the additional bands and make the watch even more beautiful. There is no difference in screen sizes, only in shape and without any doubt, Vivoactive’s landscape-shaped display is more marvelous than portrait-shaped. But the design isn’t the only considerable component in this review. The HR feature is definitely the advantage of Vivoactive HR and nobody wants to experience the old method of using the chest straps to track HR anymore. It’s more comfortable when your watch monitors and reports HR and you don’t have to make any extra moves or get less comfortable during practicing. The Vivoactive HR’s heart rate feature is pretty accurate and much, much comfortable to experience in everyday situations, because it continuously monitors the heart and that’s a good opportunity to be aware of your heart’s condition all the time.

As for the general features, their built-in GPS measures the components accurately and also they have other sensors like Accelerometer and Glonass in common to be fully prepared to monitor your activities. But Vivoactive HR has more sensors like a thermometer, barometric altimeter and even compass to analyze more information. Of course, it’s better to have all the statistics about yourself and clearly, Vivoactive HR can provide you with more data about more sporting activities than Vivoactive. The battery life is an advantage for Vivoactive, but this is happening only on the paper. In reality, there’s not likely to occur a situation, where you won’t be able to charge the watch for 3 weeks and up to 8 days of battery life is absolutely enough. And when the GPS is turned on Vivoactive HR has the advantage of its 13 hours lifetime, anyway. The features of Vivoactive HR are much better and more advanced, but the Smart Features aren’t as shiny for the successor as it should be. In this Smart Features area, both watches look fantastic, but there’s no big difference or big advantage for any one of them. They can receive and show the notifications, weather, play music, download the apps and make their user experience the practicing with full satisfaction.

Garmin Vivoactive vs Garmin Vivoactive HR
  • Design

  • HR

  • Tracking & GPS

  • Battery Life

  • Features



Garmin Vivoactive and Garmin Vivoactive HR are excellent fitness smartwatches. They look beautiful and their tracking abilities are amazing. Of course, they have a lot in common, but the differences are quite clear between them and that’s why Vivoactive HR is the better choice than the Vivoactive.

All in all, Vivoactive HR has better features, more practical battery life and wrist-based HR and these are the reasons, why it’s a lot smoother Garmin Smartwatch than its predecessor – Vivoactive. Yes, the Vivoactive has a more beautiful design, but considering that average person, doesn’t look at the watch for a long time during workouts, features and abilities definitely are more important than the product’s visual appearance and by the way, there’s nothing wrong with the Vivoactive HR’s design. The advantages of Vivoactive HR are clear and that’s it’s a deserved winner in this comparison. Vivoactive is the great watch, but Garmin’s improvements for Vivoactive HR are easy to notice and even easier to admire.

Name Garmin Vivoactive Garmin Vivoactive HR


Although it shares its name with the older vivoactive, the vivoactive HR has a completely different design. Whereas the vivoactive has a flat, square face (like the one on the Sony SmartWatch), the vivoactive HR is rectangular, like a wide Fitbit. It’s also rather thick (0.45 inches), pushing it into the realm of the Microsoft Band. People will definitely know you’re wearing some kind of fitness gadget.

(Image credit: Jeremy Lips / Tom’s Guide)

Below the vivoactive HR’s touch screen are two buttons that you can use to start and stop activities, and navigate through a couple of menus. These buttons are welcome additions, as I’ve often found that it’s next to impossible to use a touch screen when my fingers are sweaty. I just wish I could use the buttons to access every menu on the vivoactive HR.

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Thankfully, the vivoactive HR has a traditional watch-style band and clasp. It’s also water-resistant to 165 feet, so you can take it swimming.

MORE: Best Fitness Trackers

Как настроить Garmin Vivoactive HR

После синхронизации со смартфоном Vivoactive HR нужно настроить. Сделать это проще простого. Вся настройка сводится к корректировке параметров. На русском языке инструкция по управлению смарт браслетом Гармин выложена на официальном сайте. Сопряжение совершается с операционными системами iOS и Android.

Чтобы настроить умные часы Гармин Вивоактив, нужно выполнить следующие действия:

  1. Скачайте приложение Garmin Connect,
  2. Установите программу на смартфон и запустите ее,
  3. Введите свой пол в соответствующее окошко,
  4. Отредактируйте параметры роста и веса,
  5. Задайте длину шага в ходьбе и на пробежке.

Правильно введенные параметры вместе с ультрасовременными датчиками обеспечат точность результатов. Присутствуют и дополнительные настройки. По желанию скорректируйте их.

Vivoactive HR черный большого размера


Умные часы Garmin совмещает возможности повседневного и спортивного устройства. Пользователь не заморачивается над подсчетом пройденного расстояния, своей дневной активности и пр. Все это задачи модели Vivoactive HR. С браслетом в любое время можно отправится на пробежку, езду на велосипеде или просто прогулку. Универсальный дизайн позволяет носить часы на работу и в спортзал.

Vivoactive HR черный большого размера

Garmin Vivoactive работает не только в паре со смартфоном. Он подключается даже к компьютеру. Все, что делалось раньше через приложение на смартфоне, теперь совершается на ПК, что гораздо удобнее. Вне дома статистику активности показывает телефон. Отметим и программирование тренировки. Смарт часы Гармин учтут все особенности пользователя, составив индивидуальный график занятий и отдыха.

Часы напомнят хозяину, когда нужно подвигаться в рабочее время, а когда лечь спать. Умный будильник не просто разбудит вовремя, а проанализирует дневную нагрузку и отметит правильные для здоровья фазы сна.

Итоги теста


Интегрированный пульсометр Автоматическое распознавание бега, езды на велосипеде и т.д. Совместимость со многими аксессуарами от компании Garmin Полезный функционал умных часов На сегодняшний день доступен только в черном цвете

Результаты тестирования Garmin Vivoactive HR

  • Соотношение цена/качествоХорошо
  • Место в общем рейтинге2 из 45
  • Соотношение цена/качество: 68
  • Оснащение (40%): 96.4
  • Точность (30%): 94.5
  • Эргономичность (30%): 99.5

Методика тестирования

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Постепенно мы начинаем бояться Garmin: наш рейтинг фитнес-трекеров переполнен устройствами от данного производителя. Кроме того, многие из этих носимых гаджетов занимают первые места. О том, что во время тестирования мы отдаем хоть какое-то предпочтение Garmin, не может быть и речи — недавно мы изменили нашу тестовую методику, но, несмотря на это, новый фитнес-трекер показал лучшие результаты.

В первую очередь отметим более чем роскошное оснащение Vivoactive HR — в этом плане никто из конкурентов не может предложить ничего подобного. В то время как сенсорный дисплей предшествующей модели реагировал на команды все еще несколько медленно, управлять Vivoactive HR вы можете почти как умными часами. Кроме того, теперь отображение ваших фитнес-данных на экране выглядит гораздо лучше, прежде всего — за счет большей четкости. Но и стоимость устройства тоже не самая маленькая — в настоящее время за лучший фитнес-трекер придется заплатить минимум 23 тыс. руб.

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