Weight Goal SetAccomplishment: You set a new goal.
Weight Goal MetAccomplishment: Weight goal achieved.
5-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 5 pounds since setting a weight goal.
10-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 10 pounds since setting a weight goal.
15-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 15 pounds since setting a weight goal.
20-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 20 pounds since setting a weight goal.
25-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 25 pounds since setting a weight goal.
30-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 30 pounds since setting a weight goal.
35-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 35 pounds since setting a weight goal.
40-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 40 pounds since setting a weight goal.
45-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 45 pounds since setting a weight goal.
50-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 50 pounds since setting a weight goal.
55-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 55 pounds since setting a weight goal.
60-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 60 pounds since setting a weight goal.
65-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 65 pounds since setting a weight goal.
70-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 70 pounds since setting a weight goal.
75-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 75 pounds since setting a weight goal.
80-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 80 pounds since setting a weight goal.
85-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 85 pounds since setting a weight goal.
90-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 90 pounds since setting a weight goal.
95-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 30 pounds since setting a weight goal.
100-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 100 pounds since setting a weight goal.
105-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 105 pounds since setting a weight goal.
110-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 110 pounds since setting a weight goal.
115-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 115 pounds since setting a weight goal.
120-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 120 pounds since setting a weight goal.
125-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 125 pounds since setting a weight goal.
130-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 130 pounds since setting a weight goal.
135-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 135 pounds since setting a weight goal.
140-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 140 pounds since setting a weight goal.
145-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 145 pounds since setting a weight goal.
150-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 150 pounds since setting a weight goal.
155-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 155 pounds since setting a weight goal.
160-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 160 pounds since setting a weight goal.
165-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 165 pounds since setting a weight goal.
170-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 170 pounds since setting a weight goal.
175-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 175 pounds since setting a weight goal.
180-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 180 pounds since setting a weight goal.
185-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 185 pounds since setting a weight goal.
190-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 190 pounds since setting a weight goal.
195-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 195 pounds since setting a weight goal.
200-Pound Weight Loss
Accomplishment: You’ve lost 200 pounds since setting a weight goal.
Can’t find the badges you’ve already earned? Want to learn how to share them on social media? Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Your Fitbit Badges.
This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.
Danielle Kosecki
Senior health and fitness editor Danielle Kosecki is an award-winning journalist who has covered health and fitness for more than 10 years. She’s written for Glamour, More, Prevention, and Bicycling magazines, among others, and is the editor of The Bicycling Big Book of Training. A New York native, Danielle now lives in the Bay Area where she doesn’t miss winter at all.
Q Ask Fitbit How Can I Challenge My Friends in the Fitbit App
ANSWER: There are two ways to compete against people within the Fitbit app—Challenges and Adventure Races—but first, adding Fitbit friends is key. There are a few ways you can do this.
- From the Fitbit app dashboard, tap the “+” icon
- Tap “Add friend”
- Choose “Contacts” “Facebook” or “Email” and follow the on-screen instructions
From the Fitbit.com Dashboard:
- Login to Fitbit.com
- Locate the “Friends” tile and click “Find Friends”
- Choose to invite friends via email or Facebook
If you have friends who don’t wear Fitbit trackers (gasp!), they can still compete with you by downloading the Fitbit app and turning on MobileTrack (). The Fitbit Community can also be a great place to meet like-minded people with similar goals.
After one or more of your friends have accepted your request, start a competition by tapping the “Challenges” tab at the bottom of the Fitbit app. You’ll see that you have two options: Challenges and Adventure Races. Try them both! Fitbit users who participate in both Fitbit Adventures and Challenges take 2,000 more steps per day than users who don’t—that translates to about an extra mile of walking.
Here’s a breakdown of what each competition entails.CHALLENGESBest for: Deadline-driven steppersGoal Day, Workweek Hustle, Weekend Warrior, and Daily Showdown are the original Fitbit Challenges. They’re all about pushing to see who can take the most steps over the course of one day, workweek, or weekend. Because these challenges are based on total number of steps achieved—not who reaches a certain step count first—they’re a great option for friends in different timezones.ADVENTURE RACESBest for: Competitive explorersThese immersive races allow you to compete against up to 30 of your friends to see who can reach the finish line first. While (virtually) stepping your way across trails in Yosemite National Park, you’ll uncover panoramic photos of stunning vistas and have the ability to collect fun facts and health and fitness tips.
Once you choose an Adventure Race or Challenge and hit start, the next screen will prompt you to add friends. Pick from your current Fitbit friends list, or make new friends by adding them via the Contacts or Facebook tabs.
Still have questions? Dig into more information about Fitbit Challenges and and then find out 7 Ways to Win Any Step Challenge—Plus Two Tactics That Won’t Work.
This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.
Callie Mulgannon
Callie Mulgannon, Fitbit community specialist and contributing writer, is a former Division 1 NCAA runner, redwood-tree-loving hiker, and self-proclaimed San Francisco Foodie. She was naturally drawn to Fitbit’s mission to impact lives in a healthy and positive way by encouraging people to be active. On the weekends, you can find her urban hiking in search of the city’s best chai tea latte, or running through Golden Gate Park—but really just trying to be the #1 stepper on her Fitbit friends list.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 500 floors since joining Fitbit.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 1,000 floors since joining Fitbit.
Hot Air Balloon
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 2,000 floors since joining Fitbit.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 4,000 floors since joining Fitbit.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 8,000 floors since joining Fitbit.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 14,000 floors since joining Fitbit.
Shooting Star
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 20,000 floors since joining Fitbit.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 28,000 floors since joining Fitbit.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 35,000 floors since joining Fitbit.
Дизайн и показ
Это один из самых узких и поэтому выглядящих на вид фитнес-трекеров, которые вы можете купить прямо сейчас — хотя он довольно толстый. Тем не менее, это, безусловно, один из самых привлекательных трекеров, созданных Fitbit, и он заметно легче и тоньше, чем Fitbit Charge 3.
Это заменяет Fitbit Alta HR и Fitbit Flex 2 в линейке трекеров компании, и это похоже на объединение этих двух с некоторыми усовершенствованиями, чтобы гарантировать, что это более гладкий продукт.
У вас есть выбор черного, лилового или белого цвета для этого трекера. Силиконовые ремешки поставляются с ним по умолчанию, но вы можете перейти на множество других ремешков, если вы ищете более формальный или просто другой вид.
Для целей нашего обзора мы использовали черный трекер, но два других варианта хорошо смотрятся и на запястье. Если вам не нравится этот внешний вид, следует отметить, что существует большое разнообразие различных ремешков и аксессуаров, которые можно использовать для изменения его внешнего вида. Fitbit делает некоторые, но есть также много сторонних вариантов.
На правой стороне корпуса есть кнопка, с помощью которой вы можете разбудить устройство и вернуться на домашний экран. Для просмотра различной статистики вы будете использовать сенсорный экран, но он не такой отзывчивый, как дисплей умных часов.
Изображение 1 из 2
Изображение 2 из 2
Все, что вы действительно используете для экрана, это пролистывать пару меню, чтобы показать вашу статистику за день. С помощью сенсорного экрана вы можете запустить несколько функций, в том числе упражнения и сеансы управляемого дыхания, но вам придется провести пальцем вверх, чтобы найти их.
Это довольно неинтуитивная часть пользовательского интерфейса, и мы часто прокручивали меню пару раз, прежде чем вспоминали, где сидел нужный нам вариант. Экран также не регистрировал все наши пролистывания, поэтому иногда вы можете испытывать разочарование по поводу навигации по меню трекера.
Это черно-белый дисплей, который не является проблемой для статистики, которую вы будете видеть на экране
Важно также знать, что дисплей не занимает всю переднюю часть устройства, показанного на изображениях в этом обзоре
В верхней и нижней части дисплея есть несколько больших толстых рамок, а также линии, идущие по обе стороны экрана Fitbit Inspire HR. Эти лицевые панели в верхней и нижней части экрана имеют 11 мм, а боковые — 3 мм.
Учитывая, что трекер имеет длину 37 мм и ширину 16 мм, он не оставляет огромного пространства для экрана. Тем не менее, мы не находим это раздражающим в повседневном использовании, и особенно с черными рамками, не ясно, что у вас есть эти большие рамки со всех сторон.
Inspire HR поставляется с защитой от плавания, что означает, что вы можете носить его в душе, не беспокоясь о его разрушении. Имейте в виду, что это не способно отслеживать ваши плавания. Вам придется выбрать что-то более дорогое, например Fitbit Charge 3, чтобы получить это дополнительное преимущество.
Имиджевый кредит: TechRadar
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 26 miles since joining Fitbit.
March of Penguins
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 70 miles since joining Fitbit.
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 250 miles since joining Fitbit.
Hawaiian Islands
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 350 miles since joining Fitbit.
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 500 miles since joining Fitbit.
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 736 miles since joining Fitbit.
New Zealand
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 990 miles since joining Fitbit.
Great Barrier Reef
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 1,600 miles since joining Fitbit.
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 1,869 miles since joining Fitbit.
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 1,997 miles since joining Fitbit.
Monarch Migration
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 2,500 miles since joining Fitbit.
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 2,983 miles since joining Fitbit.
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 4,132 miles since joining Fitbit.
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 5,000 miles since joining Fitbit.
Great Wall
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 5,500 miles since joining Fitbit.
Russian Railway
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 5,772 miles since joining Fitbit.
Earth Diameter
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 7,900 miles since joining Fitbit.
Pole to Pole
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 12,430 miles since joining Fitbit.
Happy Hill
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 10 floors in one day.
Redwood Forest
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 25 floors in one day.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 50 floors in one day,
Ferris Wheel
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 75 floors in one day.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 100 floors in one day.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 125 floors in one day.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 150 floors in one day.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 175 floors in one day.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 200 floors in one day.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 300 floors in one day.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 400 floors in one day.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 500 floors in one day.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 600 floors in one day.
Accomplishment: You’ve climbed 700 floors in one day.
- Tracker
- Clip
19.3 mm
9.65 mm
48 mm
see more specs
Battery and Power
We recommend charging your One weekly to ensure you are always tracking.
- Battery life: 10-14 days
- Battery type: Lithium-polymer
- Charge time: One to two hours
- Radio transceiver: Bluetooth 4.0
Water Resistance
One is sweat, rain and splash proof. However, the device is not swim proof. With any clip-based wearable device, it’s best for your skin if the clip stays dry and clean.
You can clip One to a belt, pocket or bra. Always use the silicone holder when clipping it to a bra or waistband as the plastic One tracker is not meant to be worn in direct contact with the skin. Make sure the One display faces outward when clipped to your bra. Learn more
One syncs automatically and wirelessly to tablets, computers and 200+ leading iOS, Android and Windows smartphones using Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology.
- Syncing range: 6 m
- Syncing to computers requires Internet connection and USB port
- Syncing to mobile devices requires Bluetooth and Internet connection
- Syncs with Windows Vista and later, Mac OS X 10.6 and up, iPhone 4S and later, iPad 3 gen. and later, and leading Android and Windows devices
Battery and Power
We recommend charging your One weekly to ensure you are always tracking.
- Battery life: 10-14 days
- Battery type: Lithium-polymer
- Charge time: One to two hours
- Radio transceiver: Bluetooth 4.0
Water Resistance
One is sweat, rain and splash proof. However, the device is not swim proof. With any clip-based wearable device, it’s best for your skin if the clip stays dry and clean.
You can clip One to a belt, pocket or bra. Always use the silicone holder when clipping it to a bra or waistband as the plastic One tracker is not meant to be worn in direct contact with the skin. Make sure the One display faces outward when clipped to your bra. Learn more
One syncs automatically and wirelessly to tablets, computers and 200+ leading iOS, Android and Windows smartphones using Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology.
- Syncing range: 6 m
- Syncing to computers requires Internet connection and USB port
- Syncing to mobile devices requires Bluetooth and Internet connection
- Syncs with Windows Vista and later, Mac OS X 10.6 and up, iPhone 4S and later, iPad 3 gen. and later, and leading Android and Windows devices
Battery and Power
We recommend charging your One weekly to ensure you are always tracking.
- Battery life: 10-14 days
- Battery type: Lithium-polymer
- Charge time: One to two hours
- Radio transceiver: Bluetooth 4.0
One syncs automatically and wirelessly to tablets, computers and 200+ leading iOS, Android and Windows smartphones using Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology.
- Syncing range: 6 m
- Syncing to computers requires Internet connection and USB port
- Syncing to mobile devices requires Bluetooth and Internet connection
- Syncs with Windows Vista and later, Mac OS X 10.6 and up, iPhone 4S and later, iPad 3 gen. and later, and leading Android and Windows devices
Boat Shoes
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 5,000 steps in one day.
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 10,000 steps in one day.
Urban Boots
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 15,000 steps in one day.
High Tops
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 20,000 steps in one day.
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 25,000 steps in one day.
Trail Shoes
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 30,000 steps in one day.
Hiking Boots
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 35,000 steps in one day.
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 40,000 steps in one day.
Snow Boots
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 45,000 steps in one day.
Cowboy Boots
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 50,000 steps in one day.
Platform Shoes
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 55,000 steps in one day.
Blue Suede Shoes
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 60,000 steps in one day.
Ruby Slippers
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 65,000 steps in one day.
Spring Loaders
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 70,000 steps in one day.
Genie Shoes
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 75,000 steps in one day.
Futuristic Kicks
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 80,000 steps in one day.
Rocket Boots
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 90,000 steps in one day.
Olympian Sandals
Accomplishment: You’ve walked 100,000 steps in one day.