Цена и альтернативы Withings Steel HR Sport

Стоимость Withings Steel HR Sport составляет 200$ (13 200 р.). За эти деньги вы получаете прочные спортивные часы, которые работают несколько недель без подзарядки и без проблем прослужат вам длительное время.

В качестве альтернативы, можно рассмотреть устройства линейки Skagen Hybrid, но все они гигантские, а также не такие элегантные и удобные, как Steel HR Sport.

Activity  Sleep Watch

Если вы ищете гаджет с более подробным и точным отслеживанием, и долгим временем автономной работы, серии часов Garmin, как Fenix и Forerunner, будут отличным выбором. Однако они стоят в два, а то и в три раза дороже.

Когда вам нужны умные часы с великолепным цветным экраном, Apple Watch Series 4 или Samsung Galaxy Watch — два лучших варианта на сегодня.

Activity  Sleep Watch

App and Features

Should you wear the Steel HR Sport day and night, you’ll find it tracks your steps, distance, calorie burn, and sleep. These stats sync to your Withings Healthmate account via an Android or iOS device, which you also need to set up the watch (you can’t set it up or sync it using a computer).

The app gives you a summary of your day, showing when you were active and your average heart rate, and you can add activities that you didn’t track and other health data, such as your weight. But overall, the app is forgettable. There isn’t much to explore, nor anything special that’s lacking from other fitness apps. Polar, for example, provides an explanation of the benefits of different types of exercise as you do them, whether high-intensity workouts or recovery runs. Garmin computes your stress level, as well as whether you’re resting enough to balance your stress. Fitbit now offers women’s health tracking (it’s little more than a period reminder at the moment, but hopefully the company will figure out it should be graphing those dates so that they’re visible over other charted data, such as sleep and weight). Healthmate doesn’t have any features like these to draw you into the app.

Notifications from your phone scroll across the tiny display at the top of the watch when they arrive, accompanied by a gentle buzz. The alerts are subtle and unobtrusive. If you’re aiming for discretion, it’s the way to go.

Activity  Sleep Watch

One neat feature that never caught on in other trackers, but was attempted in the Jawbone UP and its brethren, is a smart wake alarm. You can set a vibrating alarm for a window of time when you want to wake up, and the Sport will wait for a moment when you’re not in deep sleep to try and stir you. If there isn’t an opportune moment, it will vibrate at the latest time in your window.

Цифровой экран

Withings Steel HR Sport имеют крошечный цифровой экран, который показывает дату и время в цифровом формате, пройденные шаги, будильник, расстояние, уровень заряда батареи и частоту сердечных сокращений. Содержимое пролистывается одним нажатием кнопки с правой стороны, в то время как длительное нажатие вызывает меню тренировок, а долгое нажатие, начинает отслеживание активности в реальном времени.

Activity  Sleep Watch

Часы Steel HR Sport также поддерживают автоматическое отслеживание активности. Все статистические данные синхронизируются с приложением Withings Health Mate (доступно на ОС iOS и Android), поэтому их можно посмотреть прямо в приложении, а не на крошечном экране часов.

Guides Utilisateur



  • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Vidéos  

  • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Guide utilisateur  

  • Installation

    • ★J’ai des problèmes pour installer ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport. Que dois-je faire ?  
    • Installer ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport  
  • Synchronisation et affichage de l’heure

    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Synchroniser mes données  
    • J’ai des problèmes de synchronisation avec ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport. Que dois-je faire ?  
    • L’heure n’est pas correcte sur ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport. Que dois-je faire ?  
  • J’ai une question sur ce produit

    • ★Quelles sont les différences entre la Steel HR et la Steel HR Sport?  
    • La Steel HR aura-t-elle les mêmes fonctionnalités que la Steel HR Sport ?  
    • Quels appareils sont compatibles avec la Steel HR Sport ?  
    • Quelles sont les dimensions de la Steel HR / Steel HR Sport?  
    • Quelles sont les nouvelles fonctionnalités de la Steel HR / Steel HR Sport ?  
    • Quelle est l’autonomie de la Steel HR / Steel HR Sport ?  
    • Afficher les 11 articles
  • Affichage et personnalisation des écrans

    • ★Ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport ne s’allume pas. Que dois-je faire ?  
    • Changer l’ordre des écrans de ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport  
    • Régler la luminosité de l’écran de ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport  
    • Quels écrans peuvent être affichés sur ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport ?  
    • Quelles langues peuvent être affichées sur Steel HR / Steel HR Sport ?  
    • J’ai des problèmes avec l’écran de ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport. Que dois-je faire ?  
  • Suivi de l’activité

    • ★Quelles activités peuvent être reconnues par ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport ?  
    • Suivi de mon activité avec ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Changer mon objectif de pas quotidien  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Foire aux questions sur le suivi de la nage  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Ma distance me semble erronée. Que dois-je faire ?  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – J’ai des problèmes avec mes données d’activité. Que dois-je faire ?  
  • Suivi de la fréquence cardiaque

    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Consulter mes données de rythme cardiaque  
    • Comment la Steel HR / Steel HR Sport mesure-t-elle votre fréquence cardiaque ?  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Mesurer votre rythme cardiaque  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – J’ai des problèmes avec mes données de fréquence cardiaque. Que dois-je faire ?  
  • Suivi du sommeil

    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Editer mes données de sommeil  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Qu’est-ce que le score de sommeil ?  
    • Suivre mon sommeil avec ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – J’ai des problèmes avec mes données de sommeil. Que dois-je faire ?  
  • Notifications

    • Activer les notifications sur ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – J’ai des problèmes avec les notifications. Que dois-je faire ?  
  • Fitness Level (Steel HR Sport)

    • Steel HR Sport – Questions fréquentes concernant le Fitness Level  
    • Qu’est-ce que la consommation maximale d’oxygène (VO2 max) ? Est-ce que la Steel HR Sport peut la mesurer ?  
    • Steel HR Sport – J’ai des problèmes avec le Fitness Level. Que dois-je faire ?  
  • Suivi multisport / GPS connecté

    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – J’ai des problèmes avec le GPS connecté. Que dois-je faire ?  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Questions fréquentes concernant la fonctionnalité multisport  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Questions fréquentes concernant le GPS connecté  
  • Alarme

    • Utiliser l’alarme de ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Foire aux questions sur les alarmes  
  • Maintenance et nettoyage

    • Nettoyer le bracelet de ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport  
    • Nettoyer votre Steel HR / Steel HR Sport  
    • Recharger la batterie de ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Informations importantes sur l’utilisation  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Informations importantes sur le verre de la montre  
    • Steel HR / Steel HR Sport – Informations importantes sur l’étanchéité  
  • Accessoires

    • Puis-je acheter un nouveau câble d’alimentation USB pour ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport ?  
    • Puis-je changer le bracelet de ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport ?  
  • Bracelet

    • Remplacer le bracelet de ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport  
    • J’ai des problèmes avec le bracelet de ma Steel HR / Steel HR Sport. Que dois-je faire ?  
    • Ajuster le bracelet milanais de ma Steel HR  
    • Ajuster le bracelet à maillons de ma Steel HR  
    • Ajuster le bracelet en métal à boucle déployante de ma Steel HR  


Steel HR From 179,95 €

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Читайте также:  Медный купорос: загадочная сила меди и её применение

Автономность батареи

Withings Steel HR Sport — настоящий зверь, с точки зрения автономности батареи, так как время работы тут измеряется неделями, а не днями. В моём 3-недельном тестировании, которое включало в себя немного физических упражнений, заряд аккумулятора снизился с 83% до 30%. Это означает, что можно легко получить более месяца работы часов. Даже если вы много тренируетесь, Steel HR Sport смогут продержаться без подзарядки как минимум три недели.

Activity  Sleep Watch

Это невероятно. Единственным недостатком такой долговечной батареи является то, что за большое время можно забыть, где вы оставили зарядное устройство. Зарядное представляет собой магнитный держатель со стандартным USB разъёмом, который подключается к обычным USB-портам (в комплекте есть только держатель).

За всё время использования я не смог полностью разрядить батарею, поэтому не могу сказать точно сколько нужно времени для её зарядки от 0 до 100%. Но могу утверждать, что заряжаются они быстро.

Activity  Sleep Watch

Steel HR Steel HR Sport – Im having issues with notifications. What should I do

If you don’t get notifications on your Steel HR, make sure that the Notifications option is enabled in the Health Mate app. Click here for more information.

Important information for third-party apps notifications:

  • Make sure that you turned on « Activate Notifications », « Applications » and the apps from which you want to receive notifications in the Health Mate app. These steps are mandatory to receive notifications on your Steel HR.
  • Make sure that the Health Mate is always open in background on your phone. Note that you won’t receive any notifications if you kill the app.Note that third-party apps notifications are only available with firmware 4911 or higher (for Steel HR) / firmware 5301 or higher (for Steel HR Sport). Click here for more information.

iOS users

  • You need to have the Health Mate app open in background and receive one notification before being able to receive all notifications from some third-party apps on your Steel HR.
  • Make sure that notifications are activated on your phone: « Allow Notifications » and « Show in History » (iOS 11 or older versions) or « Notification Center » (starting iOS 12) should be enabled to receive notifications on your watch.
  • iOS 13 only – If you are not receiving notifications from a specific app, please go to Settings > Notifications and select the app. There is a Show Previews field below the “Options” section. If the parameter is set to Never, you won’t be able to receive notifications from the app in the watch. If When unlocked is selected, the notifications will be received even if the phone has a black screen.
  • Check the list of third-party apps available in the Health Mate app, and activate the app from which you want to receive notifications.

If you still don’t receive notifications, make sure that notifications for Messages are activated on your phone. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Notifications.
  2. Select Messages.Check if Allow Notifications is turned on.

Android users

  • Make sure that you turned on « Activate Notifications », « Applications » and the apps from which you want to receive notifications in the Health Mate app. These steps are mandatory to receive notifications on your Steel HR.
  • Make sure that the Health Mate is always open in background on your phone. Note that you won’t receive any notifications if you kill the app.
  • Make sure that “Do not disturb” and/or “silent” mode are not activated on your phone. If they are activated, you may not be able to receive notifications.

Note: Make sure that the Health Mate app is activated in the Notification access screen on your phone. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Parameters.
  2. Tap Notification access in the search bar and select it.
  3. Under ‘Special app access’, tap Notification access again.
  4. Enable Notification access for Health Mate.

If you still don’t receive notifications, make sure that the Health Mate app has access to certain permissions on your phone. Note that the Health Mate app needs access to these permissions to enable the display of notifications on your Steel HR.You can also try to unpair your Steel HR from your phone’s Bluetooth. To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Bluetooth.
  2. Tap the right icon next to Steel HR.
  3. Select Unpair.

If you still encounter issues, reach out to Customer Service by clicking the Contact Us button at the bottom of the page.

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Withings Steel HR price and release date

  • Out now in the US, UK and Australia
  • RRP was $179.95 / £169.95 / AU$299.95 at launch
  • We’ve seen the price drop to around $99.99 / £125 / AU$290

The Withings Steel HR is out now in the US, UK and Australia, but as we’ve said you may find it under the Nokia branding instead. There are three versions of the wearable that you can choose from too.

The 36mm Steel HR cost $179.95 / £169.95 / $299.95 at launch, while the 40mm model was a little more at $199.95 / £179.95 / AU$339.95. The most expensive version is still the rose gold 36mm variation, which launched at $219.95 / £219.95 / AU$359.95. 

You’re likely to find it discounted further now as it has been out for a while, so be sure to shop around to find a lower price. We’ve seen it at around $99.99 / £125 / AU$290 for the cheapest model.

That’s quite a bit more expensive than the Withings Steel and Withings Go fitness trackers, so price-wise you can consider this a fairly high-end device. There is now the Withings Steel HR Sport, which is the company’s most expensive tracker that comes with a few extra top-end features.

Should you buy it

If you’re after a top-end, fitness-filled smartwatch you’ll want to look elsewhere as the sports features here aren’t the best you can get on a piece of wristwear.

But if you are looking for an understated device that’s lighter, thinner and better looking than a lot of fitness trackers and sports watches, the Steel HR Sport will suit you.

You’ll really need to want to have those extra sporting features to buy this over the Steel or Steel HR, but if VO2 Max is something you’ll make the most of and you want to use the connected GPS while running then it’s probably worth that bit of extra money.

First reviewed: October 2018

Our Take

Withings managed to build a beautiful timepiece and embed a very capable fitness tracker inside. We appreciate the simplicity, with the analog watch at the forefront and fitness tracking in the background. The Steel HR Sport also is among one of the most comfortable fitness trackers we have worn. You can sleep with it, swim with it, run with it, and you don’t even know it’s there. If you are looking for a hybrid watch, then the Withings Steel HR Sport should be at the top of your list.

Is there a better alternative?

Withings is at the top of the hybrid market with the Steel HR Sport, but it is followed closely by the Garmin Vivomove HR. Both watches share a classic design, but Garmin has the leg up on the Withings in the fitness tracking area thanks to deeper metrics, and large user base with the Garmin Connect app.

How long will it last?

The Withings Steel HR Sport’s construction is solid, but elegant. We had zero problems with watch during testing and expect this to continue. The glass display is the biggest potential vulnerability.  It’s not sapphire crystal, so it may scratch and scuff with rough usage. Thankfully, it is water resistant up to 50 meters. We expect the Withings Steel HR sport to provide up to three years of tracking as long as you are not too hard on the physical exterior.

Should you buy it?

Yes. If you want a fitness tracker, but hate the boxy designs and digital displays of the current crop of fitness trackers, then the Withings Steel HR Sport is for you. The companion Health Mate has a clean interface and provides just the right balance of encouragement and analysis for fitness buffs who don’t need to dig deep into their data.

Editors’ Recommendations

  • The best cheap Fitbit alternatives for workouts

  • Amazon discounts these Garmin fitness trackers for adults and kids

  • The best smartwatches for 2019

  • The best fitness trackers for 2019

  • Best smartwatch deals for December 2019: Samsung, Fitbit, and Apple Watch sales


Бег — это то, что Withings Steel HR Sport отслеживают действительно хорошо. После пробежки спортивные часы дают общую оценку уровня физической подготовки, которая измеряется максимальным уровнем VO2 (содержания кислорода в крови). Что это означает? VO2 max — это мера измерения, которая говорит о максимальной скорости, с которой кислород доставляется в лёгкие, которые, в свою очередь, вносят его в кровоток и делают доступным для мышц, тем самым улучшая все параметры и достижения спортсмена.

Activity  Sleep Watch

Подключённый GPS — ещё одна новая функция серии Withings Steel. Производитель снижает вес и потребление батареи, перекладывая работу GPS-трекинга на ваш телефон. Использование подключенного GPS простое и понятное. Запустите приложение Health Mate на телефоне, когда начнёте заниматься спортом, а ПО снимет и запишет все параметры. Просмотреть статистику производительности, как темп во время активности, можно взглянув на телефон. Тем не менее, отслеживание не так хорошо работает, как GPS в телефоне. Я использовал iPhone 8, и полученные данные были более впечатляющими.

Activity  Sleep Watch

Withings Steel HR Sport Tracking

Sports tracking is the area that’s had the biggest overhaul on the Steel HR Sport. The feature set isn’t as advanced as more expensive smartwatches, like the EKG-enabled Apple Watch Series 4 but compared to other hybrid watches the HR Sport’s tracking options are pretty solid.

Out of the box the the Steel HR Sport can track over 30 different workouts. These range from the staple running, swimming and cycling options to more esoteric activities, like snowboarding, boxing and zumba.

On paper this puts it up there with super expensive trackers, like the Garmin Fenix 5 Plus, when it comes to sheer volume of tracking options. But before you get too excited, be warned, it isn’t anywhere near that level and features a radically reduced number of sensors and collects far less data than more expensive dedicated alternatives.

The biggest omission is the lack of in-built GPS. The addition of connected GPS is a nice step up from the original Steel HR, letting you get more accurate distance measurements and collect and store the routes you take. But the fact you still need to pair it to a smartphone to take advantage of the feature puts it a step behind similarly-priced dedicated trackers, like the Vivosport and Vivosmart HR+.Activity  Sleep Watch

The only issues I had stemmed from its new connected GPS. Even when you enable it the watch doesn’t clearly mark when its found a GPS connection. Even when it did it would occasionally drop out mid-run and not alert me. This meant distance data was occasionally off kilter with the Vivosport and Fenix 5 Plus trackers I tested it against.

Running a track I know is roughly 5.3km the Withings Steel HR Sport could be up to 40km off the actual distance I covered if the connected GPS dropped out. This is a little annoying as it also impeded the accuracy of its biggest upgrade: the ability to offer V02 Max estimates.

For non-hardcore athletes, V02 Max is a measurement of how much oxygen your blood can store. Science aside, a higher VO2 Max indicates your overall fitness/stamina, so it’s a nice metric for gauging performance improvements.

The Steel HR Sport isn’t the only tracker to offer a VO2 Max estimate, equivalently-priced Garmins like the Vivosport and Vivosmart HR Plus also do it, but it’s a nice step forward nonetheless.

Be warned though, VO2 Max estimates are notoriously hit-and-miss, as getting a true measurement requires proper lab equipment and controlled settings. So at best the figures offered by trackers will be useful as a vague approximation, assuming they remain consistent workout-to-workout.

The location inconsistencies can throw off the estimates impeding the metric’s usefulness in short-term progress tracking.

Thankfully outside of this the watch ticks most of the right boxes for newbie runners and more casual gym-goers.

The heart rate monitor is fairly reliable and wasn’t ever vastly out of whack with the HRM strap I tested it against. It also remained uniform and only occasionally threw up anomalously high or low results mid-run.

The step and calorie counting features also worked well enough and made it quick and easy to keep on top of any fitness or activity goals I set in the My Health app. Sleep tracking is also pretty good. The app clearly marks the overall amount of deep and light sleep you get each day and highlights, whether you’re sleeping well or not.

Withings Steel HR Sport Design

The Sport’s had a minor design refresh but sticks fairly close to Withings’ tried and tested model, which is no bad thing in my mind.

The Steel HR Sport has been designed to look like a watch first and fitness tracker second. The only indicator it’s actually got smart functionality shows when you press its single right facing control button.

Once clicked it lights up the secondary LED smart screen. The screen showcases the time, plus basic things like your heart rate and incoming notifications. A longer press opens up the sports menu, where you can cycle through the various activities you can track.

The system works well enough for scrolling through basic info, like your step count or current heart rate. The accompanying smartphone app also makes it quick and easy to change the order of things in the menu system to your liking. But I found it less useful for notifications. The small dimensions mean alerts for incoming messages offer little to no info, past who the sender is or what app it’s from. You also don’t have any quick reply options, which makes them more of an annoyance than aid when you’re exercising.

On its bottom you’ll find the same photoplethysmography (PPG) heart rate monitor as the original Steel HR. As before, the sensor reads your heart rate every few minutes when your not exercising to help preserve battery.

Lack of serious external changes aside, the design is pretty nice. The 40mm case is fairly compact compared to more serious trackers, like the Garmin Forerunner 645 music. This coupled with the premium-feeling 316L stainless steel casing and sports-focused rubber strap make it feel suitably comfortable to wear both in and out of the gym.

The 5ATM rating also means it’ll survive aquatic adventures at depths up to 50 meters, in theory. I didn’t get a chance to dive to depths of 50 meters but the Steel HR Sport easily survived the odd excursion in a swimming pool with zero hassle.

Battery life also remains a key selling point. Using the watch to track my 30 minute morning workout and two 5km runs a week, the HR Steel Sport easily lost a measly 25-30% of its charge per week.

Related: Best running watch

Activity  Sleep Watch

Specs, performance and fitness

  • Comes with connected GPS and normal step tracking
  • Also features sleep tracking
  • VO2 Max feature also works well to give you a “fitness level”

This isn’t a fully-fledged smartwatch, but it comes packed with some sport tech that we haven’t seen on previous watches from the brand, such as connected GPS and a fitness level estimate.

But it also has the old tech. Like the Nokia Steel HR, there’s a heart rate tracker on the rear of the Withings Steel HR Sport. We tested it compared to the competition, and we’ve found it to work quite accurately during our testing period.

You can spot your exact heart rate in the screen on the watch or you can break it down further throughout the day in the app. While you’re exercising the watch may struggle to get an exact reading, but we found when we stopped moving it was able to give an accurate result. It’s like this on most smartwatches of this type.

The watch pairs with an app called Health Mate, which we’ve used before, and which breaks down your data into an easy to read interface. More about that later on.

The Steel HR Sport will track your steps with a fair amount of accuracy, but as with all fitness trackers it’s worth noting that the results may be a little skewed here. It’s never going to get it 100% right.

There is support for 30 different workouts including volleyball and yoga alongside your normal running and cycling activities. The watch is also water-resistant to depths of 50 meters, so you can also swim with the Withings Steel HR Sport, though it only tracks duration and calories in swim sessions.

We’ve yet to take the watch to the pool for a dip, but it’s something we’re hoping to test out in full further down the line. As noted there’s also connected GPS, which means it will be able to keep an idea of your location as long as you keep your smartphone paired with the watch.

We found this to work well with a variety of different phones, but it’s still a bit of hassle that there’s not GPS built into this watch. The fact you have to carry your phone with you will put some fitness fanatics off of these products.

But the biggest upgrade on the Withings Steel HR Sport is called Fitness Level, which uses a VO2 max (your maximal oxygen consumption) rating that the watch will be able to estimate from a variety of stats when you’re out running. It will take stats like heart rate and pace into account to give you an overall score for how much oxygen you’re transferring to your blood during your workouts.

You’ll get a score of between 17 and 60 for this with the Withings Steel HR Sport. It’s something you may have seen on high-end smartwatches, and we found it to work well here but, again, don’t take this as a 100% accurate result. It’s more of an estimation that you can improve over time.

You can also get notifications through to the small screen on the watch that will be able to let you know who’s calling you or why your phone is vibrating in your pocket.

Withings has said the watch will work with 100 other apps for notifications, and you can choose within the watch app what other apps you want to get notifications from.

These notifications will only scroll through quickly, so you’re usually best off reading the full notification or message on your phone – this is just a good way to see what the notification is and whether it’s something you want to deal with now or something that can wait.

There’s also sleep tracking on the Withings Steel HR Sport, and due to the slim design we found it comfortable to wear at night. This gave relatively accurate sleep tracking scores for us as well, but it won’t be as accurate as the Nokia Sleep pad product that the brand offers.

There’s an alarm to wake you up with vibrations on your wrist, but that’s not always guaranteed to wake up the heavy sleepers who are reading this review.

Withings Steel HR Sport Health and fitness

Activity  Sleep Watch

The Steel HR Sport is even more interested in getting you fit this time around. That means getting you off the couch and hitting those step goals, but it also means tracking individual sports and taking a deeper look at your fitness.

One of the new headline features is a VO2 Max estimation, which gives you an insight into how much oxygen youвЂre utilizing during exercise. This is something weвЂve seen filter down from sports watches to more mainstream wearables, and in the Steel HR Sport youвЂll see your вЂFitness level†score – a number between 17 and 60 – that determines how much oxygen is being transferred to the blood during exercise. Basically, the higher the number, the better.

You’ll need to work out for at least 10 minutes for a session in order to get your first reading, and it will take a few runs to hone in on an accurate number. Mine started at 55, but itвЂs changed ever so slightly since. However, take these numbers as estimates rather than gospel: VO2 Max requires lab conditions and all sorts of complex apparatus for an accurate reading.

Read this: A guide to understanding VO2 Max

The Steel HR Sport also has connected GPS, meaning you can track your route but only when your phone is paired. It’s something we’ve seen Fitbit do with its devices, and although built-in GPS is more desirable, this isn’t otherwise a running watch built for standalone use; there’s no built-in music, onboard payments or anything similar. Once you start a run, you can see your pace, distance and heart rate on the watch itself, and you’ll be able to view your route in the app afterwards.

The watch and phone are pretty good at talking to each other here: start a workout from the watch and as long as your phone is in Bluetooth range, the Health Mate app will pop up showing your time, distance, pace, current heart rate, and your heart rate zone. Afterwards youвЂll also see your pace, elevation and altitude gain, but again a lot of this is being processed by the phone, not the watch. Sadly you canвЂt adjust heart rate zones, and really, all of this is as far as workout tracking goes on the Steel HR Sport. Any running enthusiasts with an eye on Withings†latest wearable may be better looking in GarminвЂs or Polar’s directions instead.

Left: Withings Steel HR Sport. Right: Polar H10 chest strap

As for accuracy, the experience has been as good, if not better, than the Nokia Steel HR. Withings has made improvements to those sensors over time, and even with some interval training it managed to keep in line. That said, the live readout was definitely trailing behind the Polar H10 chest strap, although this seemed to have corrected itself in the graphs. The final result was exceptionally close; the Steel HR Sport can keep up.

Withings Steel HR Sport above; Polar H10 below

The Withings Steel HR Sport can track your sleep too, analyzing your different “stages” – awake, light and deep sleep – and giving you a look at how your heart rate varies through the night. Unless youвЂre someone who hates wearing anything on their wrist to bed, Steel HR SportвЂs slender physique makes it comfortable to wear to sleep. ThereвЂs an alarm too, so you can be woken by a gentle vibration on your wrist rather than a blaring alarm clock. ItвЂs actually pretty nice.

Accuracy is good but not at the level Fitbit is performing these days. On most days it was 5-10 minutes late at detecting my wake-up time. Apparently those few minutes spent trying to will myself out of bed werenвЂt enough to tell my watch I was awake. Light and deep sleep tracking is done through a combination of movement and heart rate detection, but if youвЂre not sure how much of each you should be getting, you can delve into the specifics in the app. You also get an overall вЂSleep ScoreвЂ, so you have an idea of whether youвЂre improving or not.

As well as sleep and workouts, the Health Mate app offers a variety of programs, some of which let you plug in other Withings devices, such as scales, to monitor your progress. Withings CEO Eric Carreel told me that previous devices will continue to be supported with updates, whether they have the Nokia or the Withings name emblazoned on them.

Multi-sports activity tracking

Withings knows people like to do more than just run or bike and has included 30 different sport modes into the Steel HR Sport. Five of these sports modes can be added to the watch at a time. You can start an activity by pressing and holding the side button to open the activity menu. You then can use the button to scroll through 5 different activities that you have added to this menu.

It’s difficult to read these metrics on the small display while exercising.

Once an activity starts, all the metrics can be viewed within the Health Mate app on your phone. You also can press the side button to scroll through the available data screens on the watch such as distance, time and heart rate. Unfortunately, it is difficult to read these metrics on the small display while exercising. We either had to stop running or pull our phone out of our pocket to gauge performance.

You can stop an activity using the watch or the phone, and when you are done, the activity is stored on the phone for review.

What is the Withings Steel HR

Editor’s note: Following the acquisition of Withings by Nokia, the Steel HR will soon be re-branded as the Nokia Steel HR. It’s yet to be re-released under the new moniker but Trusted Reviews has been informed this will be soon. Our original review of the Withings Steel HR continues below.

If you’re looking for a classy analogue watch with discreet activity tracking thrown in, Withings’ Activité range has always been a great place to start. The Activité, Activité Steel and the Activité Pop are all eminently stylish timepieces that monitor your activity throughout the day, while transitioning happily from the gym to a gala dinner. They positively ooze classy French design.

The Steel HR takes much of what is great about the Activité range and augments it with new features including a heart rate monitor and a separate digital display for smartphone notifications.

These simple additions bring Withings’ new wearable more up to date, making it a compelling choice for those looking to keep tabs on their fitness and activity, without necessarily letting the world know that they’re doing so.
Watch: Wearables buying guide

Classic aesthetics, comfortable design

Ever since the Activité Pop, Withings has been making some of the best-looking wearables on the market. The new Steel HR Sport continues this tradition with a classic analog watchface and subtle smartwatch integration. The watch measures 40mm wide and 13mm thick, and weighs a mere 49 grams. It has a matte black stainless steel casing that is paired with your choice of either a white or black watch face. The side button sits close to the casing so it doesn’t snag on clothing. The button is very responsive and pushes with a firm, reassuring click.

Withings upgraded the band in the Steel HR Sport using a soft silicone material with holes for breathability. It’s super soft and comfortable on the wrist, but if you don’t like the supplied band you can purchase an optional leather or colored silicone band from Withings, or choose any third-party 20mm band.

The watch face uses a standard analog hands with tick marks for minutes and five minute increments engraved on the casing. Withings adds smartwatch features and fitness tracking to the Steel HR Sport in a way that doesn’t detract from the watch’s overall good looks. At the top of the watch face is a small LCD that displays health metrics and incoming notifications. You can press the side button to scroll through data screens to view your current heart rate, step count, calories burned and more. We had no problems viewing the screen in daylight or under interior lighting. At the bottom of the watch face is a sub-dial that shows the progress towards your current step count goal.

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