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The Fossil deal

Google Pixel Watch лучше Apple Watch

Google paid $40 million to Fossil for some secretive smartwatch technology. We got the scoop on exactly what Google bought from Fossil, and suffice to say it suggests that Google is indeed working on interesting smartwatch tech.

The tech Google acquired is a hybrid smartwatch movement built by Fossil, codenamed “Diana”, a portmanteau of “digital” and “analogue”. It also took 20 engineers from Fossil, and has the rights to produce various different versions of the Diana line, apparently, including some with and without screens.

Now, it could be that Google was simply a better fit to push this hybrid technology onwards, and that Fossil wanted to get it off its hands. Or, perhaps, this is some tech that’s going to power the Pixel Watch.

Powered by new Qualcomm chips

Google Pixel Watch лучше Apple Watch

Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 3100 smartwatch chip is the first it’s built from the ground up for smartwatches. There are several variations, with many including LTE and GPS.

The goal is to be able to better suit the needs of smartwatches, and that’s what this chip does, with more power, extended battery life, a better fitness experience and chips that allow for slimmer smartwatches.

WinFuture reported that the upcoming Pixel Watch would run on the Snapdragon 3100, and we’ve seen it in a variety of other watches from the likes of Fossil and others, so wouldn’t be surprised at all to see this one come true.

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Was the Pixel Watch cancelled

Google Pixel Watch лучше Apple Watch

The latest bombshell as far as the Pixel Watch is concerned arrived in September, in the form of reports that the entire project was cancelled at late notice in 2016, putting the chances of a Pixel Watch releasing anytime in 2019 down to almost none.

A recent report from Business Insider indicates that the Pixel Watch was all set for a launch alongside the first Pixel phone back in 2016, but was pulled at the last minute as it didn’t live up the standard Google was trying to set. Those watches, made with LG, were actually released as the LG Watch Sport and LG Watch Style in 2017.

Now, it’s not impossible that Google’s big hardware event on 15 October could still see an announcement of some sort on the watch front, but indications are that there’s nothing doing at this stage. That doesn’t mean the Pixel Watch is dead, though – it just means that Google had a major setback a few years ago, delaying its progress but not killing the project.

A smarter smartwatch

Google Pixel Watch лучше Apple Watch

What could the watch project Google’s still working on actually look like? After it rebranded Android Wear to Wear OS, two of the goals Google outlined for the newly minted operating system were to make it smarter and better at health and fitness monitoring.

Google has brought Wear OS a smarter Google Assistant, capable of carrying out more tasks and requests. Since then it’s also been on a bit of a tear, putting Assistant into as many devices as possible. The critical success of the Pixel line of phones is partly built on how they utilise Assistant in features like Google Lens, and how AI is used to help take better photos.

A smartwatch with a better Google Assistant makes for a more proactive device. Dennis Troper, head of product for Wear OS, told Wareable that Google wants Assistant on Wear OS to anticipate how it can help before a command is issued.

Think of this like the Pixel’s song identification feature. If there’s a song playing in the background, the song and artist will pop up automatically on your home screen – no need to Shazam it.

You can likely expect a Pixel Watch to show off how helpful Assistant can be on the wrist, setting an example for the rest of the Wear OS partners. It’d be nice if Google could use Assistant, Google Maps and a new health focus to do things like track runs, or recommend running spots or food places or whatever else, straight from your wrist.


Three Pixel Watches

Google Pixel Watch лучше Apple Watch

Back in 2018, reliable leaker Evan Blass first reported that Google would be launching a Pixel-branded smartwatch alongside the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL. Then WinFuture followed up with its own report saying it wouldn’t just be one Pixel Watch, but three.

While Google ended up not launching a Pixel Watch alongside the Pixel 3, it’s worth knowing that the three smartwatches are codenamed Ling, Triton and Sardine – though it’s difficult to know what the differences between the three are.

More recently, the fish-based codenames salmon and medaka appeared on the Android Open Source Project website, a development platform for a wide variety of devices in different form factors. Fish-based names are often used for Google’s own devices, and it’s likely these are for smartwatches.

It’s possible that Google was planning three devices, but has since cut that down to two for reasons unknown. It could just be one device in two sizes, or it could be two different devices aimed at two different audiences – one for fitness and one for more casual use.

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Карта была автоматически удалена

Дело в том, что вы отключили блокировку экрана. В целях безопасности все карты в таком случае автоматически удаляются. Установите блокировку, запустите приложение Google Pay на часах и добавьте карту ещё раз.

При добавлении карты на экране часов появляется просьба перезагрузить телефон или одно из следующих сообщений: “Не удалось подключиться к устройству” или “Не удалось проверить аккаунты”

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При запуске приложения на экране часов появляется сообщение “Не удалось проверить аккаунты”

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  3. Прокрутите страницу вниз и выберите Google Pay.
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В приложении появляется сообщение о том, что нужно перезагрузить телефон

  1. Перезагрузите телефон. С часами этого делать не нужно.
  2. Подождите 30–60 секунд. За это время на телефоне будут установлены необходимые обновления.
  3. Откройте приложение Google Pay на часах и нажмите “Повторить” .

В приложении все время отображается крутящийся значок загрузки

Закройте приложение на часах, а затем снова откройте его. Если это не поможет, удерживайте кнопку включения до тех пор, пока часы не перезагрузятся.

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3. Удерживайте часы у терминала чуть дольше обычного.

Поднесите устройство к терминалу и дождитесь звукового сигнала и вибрации.

Если это не помогает, попробуйте поменять положение часов относительно терминала. Сделайте так, чтобы NFC-антенна была ближе к нему. Так будет проще установить связь. У большинства часов антенна расположена за экраном. Узнать, где именно она находится у вашей модели часов, можно из руководства по эксплуатации.

4. Убедитесь, что магазин принимает бесконтактные платежи.

Уточните это на кассе. Если оплата с помощью мобильного устройства не предусмотрена, воспользуйтесь обычной картой.

Changing up those bands

Google Pixel Watch лучше Apple Watch

We can often look to patents to offers us hints as to what companies like Google have planned or are thinking about for future products. Back in April, Patently Apple spotted that the big G won a patent for a new watch band design that aims to make it easier to switch out bands on a smartwatch.

It’s a feature Apple, Samsung and other Wear OS smartwatch makers already offer, but Apple’s bands are arguably the easiest to switch in and out.

While, on the face of it, it might not be the most exciting thing to reveal that Google is exploring, it shows that it’s thinking about all aspects of the smartwatch experience.

Fit for deeper health tracking

Google Pixel Watch лучше Apple Watch

Google has also improved how Wear OS handles fitness with Google Fit for both Android phone and iPhone users. There are two goals in Google’s system: Move Minutes and Heart Points. Move Minutes track how much activity you do, while Heart Points track how much intense activity you undertake.

Google has also apparently been working for some time on a new assistant called Google Coach, a proactive fitness coach that will analyse your health and fitness data to make better recommendations. This sounds like a very Pixel-y feature, and you can likely expect the Pixel Watch to at least have a heart rate sensor to take advantage of.

Google has a lot of avenues into the world of deeper health, especially with Verily Life Sciences also under the Alphabet umbrella. We saw Google and Nest come closer together to improve Assistant in the smart home world – perhaps we could see more collaboration between Google and Verily. In fact, we think there’s a chance Verily’s Study Watch, which received ECG clearance, could be a test bed for health features before a Google consumer watch.

Google Pixel Watch rumours Whats happened

A new report on Business Insider has claimed Google cancelled plans to launch a Pixel Watch at the last minute because Google’s hardware chief, Rick Osterloh, was of the opinion at the time that it “didn’t look like what belonged in the Pixel family.” 

The report also said that a former employee stated that the syncing between the Pixel smartphone and smartwatch also “didn’t work that great”, making for another reason to pull the launch. There were fears that with this and the smartwatch not quite looking right, it would “…bring down the name of the Google hardware brand.” 

Instead of killing the watches completely, Google is said to have decided not to launch them under its own brand name as originally planned, and instead launched them under LG in the LG Watch Sport and LG Watch Style. 

The report adds that while there are still rumours Google is working on its own-branded smartwatch, sources claim that there will be no smartwatch launching alongside the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL at its event on 15 October.

A patent filed by Google called ‘Camera Watch’ has been approved. The patent shows a watch with a round face and a camera built-in, though it is not clear from the patent whether the camera is a hole-punch design or under the display.

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There are no buttons on the design sketches, suggesting the Pixel Watch could feature some form of rotating or touch bezel.

Google Pixel Watch лучше Apple Watch

A recently approved patent reveals Google has been working on several quick release watch band mechanisms. Several options are shown in the patent images, one of which is a tradition quick release pin method, while the others appear a little more complex. 

Google Pixel Watch лучше Apple Watch

Two job listings at Google for a “Vice President, Hardware Engineering, Wearables” and “Wearables Design Manager, Consumer Hardware”, suggest Google continues to have major hardware ambitions for wearables.

9to5Google reported on two codenames – Medaka and Salmon – which appeared online and are suggested to reference the Pixel Watch. The codenames appeared in AOSP alongside evidence suggesting they are smartwatches but no further details were offered.

Google and Fossil Group enter into a $40 million agreement, in which Google will acquire some of Fossil’s smartwatch technology, along with members of the Fossil’s research and development team. While details are scarce, it suggests Google is still serious about Wear OS.

Tom’s Guide reported that the rumoured Pixel Watch would not launch in 2018. 

Miles Barr, Google’s director of engineering for Wear OS, said in an interview with Tom’s Guide: “To think of a one-size-fits-all watch, I don’t think we’re there yet. Our focus is on our partners for now,” he explained.

The Pixel Watch will likely place a special focus on Google Assistant and AI learning when it finally arrives though as Barr told Tom’s Guide his ideal Pixel Watch would offer these. 

A separate Google spokesperson also confirmed that the company would not be announcing its own smartwatch in 2018.

WinFuture reported that there are three models of Pixel Watch in the works, but these might just be prototypes with a plan to only release one.

Notorious leakster Evan Blass tweeted that a reliable source told him “with high confidence” that a Pixel-branded watch would appear at the 2018 fall hardware event alongside the two smartphones and second-gen Pixel Buds. Of course, that wasn’t the case in the end.

Google’s smartwatch platform, Android Wear, first arrived in 2014. In 2018, Google ditched the name and branding, relaunching the software as Wear OS.

LG announced the LG Watch Sport and the LG Watch Style, backed by Google as the poster watches for Android Wear 2.0 with their rotating dials. They put an end to the Google-branded smartwatch…for a while.

Google Pixel Watch лучше Apple Watch

The Verge reported that Jeff Chang, product manager of Android Wear, said Google is planning to launch new watches that will be flagship Android Wear 2.0 devices.

Chang said the device wouldn’t be Pixel branded however, despite the Pixel and Pixel XL launching two months earlier, replacing the Nexus line. Instead, the watches would take the name of the manufacturer that makes them.

Android Police published some renders of Google’s Android Wear smartwatches. The larger device, known as Angelfish, is said to be on the left, while Swordfish, the smaller device, is on the right.

Google Pixel Watch лучше Apple Watch

Android Police reported that Google was working on Nexus-branded smartwatches. The two devices were claimed to be Google-made and they had codenames of Angelfish and Swordfish.

Rumours suggests Angelfish was a larger, sportier model which would come with LTE data, GPS and heart rate. Swordfish meanwhile was said to be smaller and miss LTE data and GPS off its features list. 

Both watches were claimed to feature circular displays.

Lights, Camera, Action

Google Pixel Watch лучше Apple Watch

A more recent patent, spotted by LetsGoDigital, suggests a much more radical possibility for the Pixel Watch – the inclusion of a camera.

The patent, filed by Google back in 2017, shows a design for a camera mounted behind the glass of the watch’s face, able to take photos through the glass. With a single lens, Google’s Pixel phones demonstrate that the quality of image captured can still be hugely impressive.

This is on the far-fetched end of the possible inclusions for the Pixel Watch, given the lack of other cameras mounted on smartwatches, but could give an indication that Google’s at least thinking about the option.

Works with iPhone

Wear OS is called Wear OS because Android Wear was a little confusing. The name made iPhone users feel like Android Wear smartwatches weren’t for them, when the opposite was true.

The big question for the Pixel Watch is whether it’ll also be fully compatible with iPhones, like the rest of the Wear OS clan, or whether it’ll come with a range of features that just work better with Android phones.

Related: How to use Wear OS on iPhone

We saw a little hint of this with the Pixel Buds, which aren’t as interesting or useful when you pair them with an iPhone instead of a Google Pixel.

But with moves to improve support for software features like Google Fit, we’d like to think Google will let a Pixel Watch play nice with both of the world’s two biggest smartphone platforms.

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