Garmin Vivosmart 4 vs Fitbit Charge 3 Sensors

Garmin has included a heart-rate sensor on the Vivosmart 4 on the rear, along with a Pulse Ox sensor to measure blood-oxygen levels, which will measure how well your body is absorbing oxygen while you sleep.

The Charge 3 also has a heart-rate sensor as well as a relative SpO2 sensor for sensing sleep apnea and other sleep-related issues, which is similar to the PulseOX sensor on the Vivosmart 4

Along with the sensors listed above, you also get an Accelerometer and altimeter in both fitness bands, but neither of them includes a GPS chip to track activities. However with Charge 3, you can connect it to your Smartphones GPS to track running or cycling activities, but you can’t do this with the Vivosmart 4.

vivosmart 4 серебристые


В комплекте с браслетом поставляется зарядный кабель и инструкция по эксплуатации. Браслет Гармин Вивосмарт 4 – русифицированное устройство. Это значит, что вся информация на экране отображается на русском языке – дата, время и пр. Управление сенсорное, ограничивается боковыми сдвигами меню. Если хотите пролистнуть вниз, то эта команда автоматически откроется по надобности.

Особенности Vivosmart:

  • Недельная автономная работа
  • Встроенный датчик Pulse Ox2
  • Встроенный шагомер
  • Мониторинг активности и сна
  • Понятное и продуманное приложение

Здесь отсутствует навигационная система, зато устройство умеет просматривать информацию о погоде и предупреждать пользователя о предстоящем дожде или снегопаде. В сравнении с первой версией, преобразился и внешний вид. Теперь это не просто тонкая полоса на запястье. Разработчики четко обозначили экран Vivosmart 4, обрамив его блестящей металлической полосой.

vivosmart 4 серебристые

vivosmart 4 серебристые

В основе браслета гипоаллергенный силикон. Мягкий материал не давит и не натирает запястье. Ремешок Garmin Vivosmart 4 плотно обволакивает руку и не мешает в процессе использования. Поверхность покрыта мелким рельефом, что превращает фитнес-трекер в стильный повседневный аксессуар. Касательно цветов исполнения, то в продажу вышло несколько вариантов: черный, серебряный, микс золота и бордо, а также серебра и синего цвета. Внутренняя поверхность ремешка имеет матовое покрытие, что препятствует скольжению на руке.


Функционал Вивосмарт 4 ограничивается главными опциями, поскольку устройство в большей мере рассчитано на повседневное пользование обычными людьми. Встроенного пульсометра здесь нет, но прибор синхронизируется с нагрудными датчиками. В сравнении с первой версией браслета, четвертая модель оснащена измерителем Pulse Ox2. Уровень кислорода отслеживается в любое время суток.

Пользоваться опцией Pulse Ox2 можно днем и ночью. Датчик без проблем включается в сонном режиме. Еще одно преимущество – отслеживание тренировок. Vivosmart 4 различает вид деятельности, запоминает количество упражнений, определяет время выполнения каждого. При регулярных занятиях прибор анализирует информацию и показывает, продвинулся ли пользователь в своей тренировке или нет.

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vivosmart 4 серебристые

vivosmart 4 серебристые

Что умеет фитнес-браслет Garmin Vivosmart 4:

  1. Считать количество пройденных шагов в день и задавать суточную норму;
  2. Определять пройденное расстояние за день, анализируя данные шагомера;
  3. Определять сожженные калории за день, анализируя данные шагомера;
  4. Переходить в сонный режим, чтобы отследить фазы отдыха пользователя;
  5. Наблюдать за активностью и отображать ее уровень с помощью шкалы;
  6. Напоминать пользователю о длительном отсутствии движения;
  7. Помогать в поисках телефона, если гаджет находится в одной комнате с браслетом.

Также браслет Garmin Vivosmart 4 умеет настраивать яркость экрана и различные функции. В настройки также входит параметр Bluetooth-соединения. Здесь выполняется синхронизация прибора со смартфонами. Трекер можно отыскать с помощью телефона, если на устройстве установлена специальная программа.

vivosmart 4 серебристые

Скачайте на смартфон приложение Garmin Connect. Откройте его и зарегистрируйтесь. Тогда информация с браслета сохранится в памяти приложения. Просмотреть данные можно в любой момент. В программе фиксируются дневные результаты и в виде статистики отображаются достижения.

Garmin Vivosmart 4 vs Fitbit Charge 3 Which one

My honest view on this is, it all comes down to personal preference and the features that you want. Whilst both the Vivosmart 4 and Charge 3 offer similar features,  users would be happy with both, there are some features that you need to take into account.

Why Buy a Charge 3 over a Vivosmart 4?

The obvious one is GPS, whilst none of them has built-in GPS, the Charge 3 can be connected to your smartphone. So if you are wanting to track outdoor workouts like running or cycling then Charge 3 is the obvious choice.

If style is key to a purchase of a fitness band, the Charge 3 offers you the ability to swop the bands out and you also get Fitbit Pay with the special edition model.

The final thing is the women-specific health tracking, which Garmin has not even touched on with any of its trackers yet.

Why buy a Vivosmart 4 over a Charge 3?

The Body Battery energy monitor along with the all-day stress tracking is a useful feature, especially if you are very active and want to keep track on your body condition and this is a strong feature on the Vivosmart 4. However its not yet complete in my view.

I also think the heart rate monitoring features are good on the Vivosmart 4. The ability to have the Vivosmart 4 warn you if your heart rate rises above a certain threshold is good. But the heart rate tracking for activities is below standard and this may put you off.

Finally, the biggest feature for me is the Garmin Connect Mobile app, I think it offers a battery to understand app along with better insight into your health and performance.

So that’s a wrap and I hope this Charge 3 vs Vivosmart 4 useful to help you decide on the 2 fitness trackers. If you have any questions or a comment, please them below and subscribe to receive a notification when the full reviews land.

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Vivosmart 4 vs Charge 3 Smartwatch features

The Vivosmart 4 also offers a number of smart features. You can check the weather, receive notifications (with Android smart replies), find a missing phone, and control music.

Fitbit also offers notifications and Android quick replies on the Charge 3, as well as weather tracking. Unfortunately, you can’t control or store music with the band.

You can also run third-party apps on the Fitbit Charge 3, but these are pretty limited right now and don’t expect to get the same standard of app featured on the Apple Watch though.

With mobile payments the new thing onto build into wearables, Fitbit has included Fitbit Pay on the CHarge 3, but on the special edition model.

However, Garmin has not included Garmin Pay on the Vivosmart 4 with them traditionally only offering this feature on the high-end Garmin devices.

The other thing to consider is the apps that both of them use, the Vivosmart 4 uses Garmin Connect Mobile and the Charge 3 uses Fitbit app. Whilst both are very good apps, I think Garmin Connect Mobile is better laid out and offers greater insight of the data the fitness tracker records.

Garmin Vivosmart 4 vs Fitbit Charge 3 Fitness features

In terms of fitness features both the Charge 3 and the Vivosmart 4 are well matched, but both offer a different take on some of the health tracking, but before we do let’s tackle some of the common features.

All day activity tracking

Both fitness trackers off, steps, distance, floors climbed, active minutes and calories burned. They all offer a resting heart rate and heart rate zone measurements to gain progress on your fitness journey.

You also get auto activity tracking with both bands with Garmin’s Move IQ and Fitbit’s automatic exercise recognition, which in short records certain exercises if you forgot to start your fitness tracker and it detects increased HR and movement at the same time.

Both the Garmin Vivosmart 4 and the Fitbit Charge 3 offer a feature to measure your fitness condition. Garmin calls this fitness age and Fitbit calls this Cardio Fitness score. Essentially both of these features give you information based on your workouts using heart rate data to determine your fitness condition.

Heart rate tracking

Finally, both fitness trackers feature an Optical Heart rate sensor that is used to track you’re all day heart rate and used during any activity.

Based on my testing of the Vivosmart 4 vs the change 3, I found the latter being the most accurate for heart rate tracking during activities.

So let’s move onto the fitness features that tell both the Vivosmart 4 and the Charge 3 apart.

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Sleep tracking

Sleep tracking is built into most fitness wearables these days and the Vivosmart 4 and the Charge 3 is no exception. Whilst each device offer different terms of the sleep tracking, both essentially offer the same level of insights.

In addition to the sleep tracking, both fitness bands measure blood oxygen saturation levels during the sleep to offer better insight.

Garmin Vivosmart 4 fitness and health trackingvivosmart 4 серебристые

Whilst both the Charge 3 vs the Vivosmart 4 comes with lots of similar features, they both have features that are different, so let us explore them.

Stress tracking

First, up is the  “all-day stress tracking,” which tracks the interval between each heartbeat to calculate and display your stress level.

Based on my testing the Vivosmart 4 offers stress track that is pretty accurate when I reflected on the day I could relate to the high periods of stress shown.

Body battery

The Vivosmart 4 also introduces a feature Garmin calls Body Battery, which “uses a combination of stress, heart rate variability (HRV), sleep and activity data to gauge your body’s energy reserves at any moment, so you can plan your day to optimise times for activity and rest.

I have done some testing of the Body battery feature for the Vivosmart 4 review and whilst Garmin appears to be going in the right direction with this. I don’t think that it is quite complete with missing data inputs like nutrition.

Abnormal heart rate alerts

Another feature that comes from the Fenix 5 series is if your heart rises above a threshold you’ve set and If you’re inactive for more than 10 minutes and your heart rate stays above your set threshold, you’ll get an alert. This is a great feature to spot potential issues with your heart and be able to act fast.

Finally, Garmin has included Strength and rep counting for when you are working out in the gym, this feature allows you to. keep track of how many reps you do in the gym and based on my testing on the previous Vivsmart 3, it works pretty well.

Fitbit Charge 3 fitness and health trackingvivosmart 4 серебристые

The Charge 3 offers the user a different take on fitness tracking with connected GPS for outdoor activity tracking along with female focused health tracking.

Connected GPS

Whilst the Charge 3 does not have built-in GPS, you can connect the band to your smartphone and use the GPS from that. This allows you to track your outdoor activities using GPS and get information like Pace and distance and this is useful for runners.

The Fitbit Charge 3 also has more fitness tracking profiles with 15 available and this includes cycling using GPS from the connected smartwatch. This, of course, gives you greater flexibility in what you want to use it for.

Female health tracking

A stand out feature for females on the Charge 3 is the female health tracking. This feature on the Charge 3 with the Fitbit app helps you track periods, record symptoms, see a predicted ovulation calendar and more.

It is great to see Fitbit adding these types of features as other fitness band creators appear to be leaving female users in the dark when it comes to this type of health information.

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